[comp.sys.mac.misc] Notes and Comments - Apple II, 18k file

mlyons@pro-fla.cts.com (mlyons, SysAdmin) (06/05/91)

| Notes and Comments  -  Apple II 
| Dedicated to the Deprived Apple II Users Everywhere,  June 1991
/\> In this Issue
- Comments
- GS+ Magazine
- Chip Market
- KansasFest
- Drive Market
- Software
- New Apple II?
- System 6.0

/\> Comments

Apple Computer may be comming out with a new Apple IIGS+, I hope that Apple
will allow us IIGS users to afford it.... Great News if it true but the $$$!

Don't call Applied Engineering for your Technical Support, it now cost you
$1.50 an minute for questions or answers that in the manuals was free for 
the asking.... Applied Engineering charges for support. Boycott AE products!

Sure wish I could go to KansasFest. "Some where over my Apple." If you are
going to KansasFest, write us here at N&C and let us know what you seen or
better, send money for us to go to that show place....            Thank you!

Did you know that this is still a very grass roots publication, Apple II
news sometimes comes to different people at different times and ways, if you
know of some Apple II news, send them to Notes and Comments, you can send
them to the email, or though the US mail....                    Do it today!

Shareware Apple II programs show up everyday, but users don't see it, pass 
them on to N&Cs and I will binskii them out....          Thats a great idea!

What do you think? Should N&C do interviews of Steven Disbrow, Morgan Davis,
Roger Wagner, Floyd Zink, Glen Bredon, other programers and Apple II
supporters?....                                 Write and let me know today!

ProLine sites, "Notes and Comments: Apple II" will be 'batched out' next 
issue, Please watch for it. Remember; Any Apple II user and BBSs can write
a article which may be used in the next issue....             Do it today!!!                                        

/\> GS+ Magazine 

GS+ Magazine is the first IIGS specific Magazine + Disk publication.  Each
bi-monthly, 48+ pages, issue of GS+ features reviews, articles, programs,
graphics, icons, rumors, tips, and a "no fluff" attitude.  In addition to
the magazine, each issue of GS+ comes with a companion diskette.

All of the programs, icons, graphics, etc., that are discussed in the
magazine can be found on the companion diskette.  Programs ALWAYS come
complete with heavily commented source code on the companion diskette and
user manuals and programming notes in the magazine.

Individual copies of GS+ cost $8 for the Magazine + Disk.  A single issue
without the companion disk is $3.  (Please add $1.50 for postage.  This
pays for First-Class delivery to United States addresses and air mail
delivery to all Canadian and Mexican addresses.  All other foreign orders
add $1.50 for surface mail delivery or $5 for air mail delivery.)

The cost of a one year subscription (6 issues), is $36 for the Magazine +
Disk or $15 a year for a magazine only subscription. (United States
subscriptions are shipped via third-class mail.  Add $1.50 an issue ($9 for
subscriptions) if you want First-Class delivery.  Add $1.50 an issue ($9
for subscriptions) for foreign orders (this pays for air mail to Canada and
Mexico or surface to all other countries).  Add $5 per issue ($30 for
subscriptions) for air mail to all other countries.)

Back issues are available, but are in very limited supply.  Please call for
availability.  The cost of back issues is the cover price plus $1.50 (for
each back issue ordered) to cover postage and handling.

If you want to place an order, we accept checks or Money Orders made
payable to "EGO Systems."  If you prefer to order by phone, or e-mail, we
also accept Visa and MasterCard. Tennessee residents add 7.25% sales tax. 

For more information or to place an order, contact GS+ at:

America OnLine: GSPlusDiz
internet, usenet, proline networks: diz@pro-gsplus
Voice phone: (615) 870-4960. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST.
pro-gsplus BBS (615) 875-4607. 24 hours a day. 300/1200/2400 Baud. <8N1>.
US Mail: GS+ Magazine, POB 15366, Chattanooga, TN  37415-0366


/\> The Chip Market
 _____________________________Dram__256x1___256x4___1meg___1meg Simms_ 
 Quality Computers   800/996-1508   19.95   19.95   69.95   59.95 
 Roger Coats         800/438-2883   19.00   19.00   69.00   59.00
 Programs Plus       800/832-3201   22.00   33.00   85.00   63.00
 Preferred Computing 800/327-7234   21.00   21.00   81.00   63.00
 CDA Computer Sales  800/526-5313   21.00    n/a    73.00   61.00  
 Fas-Track Computer  800/272-1600   19.95   19.95   59.95   61.00   
 LRO Computer Sales  800/869-9152   19.00   20.00   59.00   56.00
 VMC Marketing       800/776-6601   19.95   14.95   68.00   61.00
 Golem Computers     800/248-0363   23.00   22.00   69.95   61.00

    Know of any other companys that sell chips at a good price?

/\> Kansasfest

Many Apple II developers are aware of the A2-Central Summer Conference,
also nicknamed KansasFest. This is the event to rub elbows with well known
Apple II developers and have a chance to talk with many of the members of
the Apple II team from Cupertino.

This will be the third annual get together of developers at KansasFest. For
those who have attended the past conferences, they will find most of the
schedule familiar. You can sign up for the Apple II College. This year the
College will be a two day event covering four different topics. You could
attend the IIgs College covering general Apple II programming information
brought to you by Apple. If you'd rather learn another language, try the
Pascal programming class taught by Mike Westerfield or the C programming
class taught by Walker Archer and Gary Morrison. Maybe you don't like
"in-depth" programming and would rather attend the HyperStudio authoring
session led by Roger Wagner.

Again, following the optional College will be the actual KansasFest, where
developers can sit in on a variety of seminars covering various topics and
methods of "creating" software for the Apple II. In the past there have
been seminars on fast animation, making sound, hints on using development
tools to their fullest, and last year there was a sneak preview of
HyperCard GS...... what will this year bring... be there and you'll find
out !!

A new event has been added to the schedule. The last two days will be an
Apple Central Expo. This show is being promoted as a two day Applefest type

A popular "Attraction" has been the bug busting room, and again this year
it will be open so you can bring your programming problems to the experts
and see if they can help. Apple's Developer Technical Support (DTS) team
will be on hand to help out with any difficult bugs.

In the past Avila College had rooms available for attendees. Again this
year they will provide rooms, and will also have the option to get a
private room for a few dollars more.

If you would like to attend as an exhibitor call 800-955-6630 or
617-784-4531 and ask for Bob Berkowitz.

If you are a developer (or would like to attend the Apple Central Expo) you
can call DaySpring Travel for airfare, railfare, or hotel accommodations.
Show attendance can be set up through A2-Central by calling 913-469-6502.

If you're not sure about who to call, where to call, or have more questions
call 913-469-6502.

The dates for this show will be July 16th - 21st.

 tue      wed      thur    fri      sat      sun
 16th  |  17th  |  18th  | 19th  |  20th  |  21st  |

developer         Kansasfest      Apple Central Expo college

KansasFest is being held at Avila College and at the National Office
Machine Dealer's Association (NOMDA) in Kansas City, Mo. and is sponsored
by A2-Central.

/\> Drive Market

 Programs Plus       Quick40/585   Quick60/665   Vulcan40/648   AE3.5/189
 Quality Computers   Qdrive40/600  Qdrive100/850 Vulcan40/650   AE3.5/200
 Roger Coats         HD40/579      HD60/659      Vulcan40/639   AE3.5/195
 Preferred Computing HD40/573      Vulcan20/499  Vulcan40/639   AE3.5/189
 CDA Computer Sales  Vulcan20/519  Vulcan40/659  Vulcan100/1299 AE3.5/209
 LRO Computer Sales  Power40/599   Power80/ 889  Vulcan40/639   AE3.5/199
 Golem Computers     HD40/575      HD60/680      Vulcan40/649   AE3.5/199
 TMS Peripherals     Pro40/349     Pro105/499    Pro210/899     N/A
 Tulin Corporation   Ahive40/489   Ahive65/549   Ahive200/1039  N/A

   Know of any other companys that sell Hard Drives at a good price?

/\> Software

Custom Software Inc. is proud to announce an update to two very old but
very fun games for the Apple IIgs.

    ** Tass Times in ToneTown and Bard's Tale I. **

You send your ORIGINAL disk (No packaging please, just the disk) as proof
of ownership and $20 and I will send you a GS/OS specific version of either

Tass Times in ToneTown has been updated to fully support NDA's, the Control
Panel and is a TRUE GS/OS application. It has multiple save games and will
save as files. No copy protection (Never had it, and never will) and works
on ANY hard drive partition.

Bard's Tale I has Auto-Mapping, is a GS/OS application, No copy protection,
Allow NDA'S, runs 50% faster, multiple save games and can save ANYWHERE in
the game. Allows the use of an AppleShare network and can run from ANY hard
drive partition.

Please send you original disk and a check for $20 to...

Bill Heineman 
7734 S. Broadway Road 
Whittier CA, 90606-2301

Please make the check out to Bill Heineman, He still doesn't have a Custom
Software Inc bank account yet...
BTW: Does anyone know the address to the owner of MouseTalk sense United
Software Industries is now out of business, they are the makers of Ascii
Express, and other software, Morgan Davis was the programmer. Email from
him was of no avail. mlyons@pro-fla would like to buy ownership of all
USI software.

/\> FTA (Free Tools Association) and ToolBox present...

Photonix was a smash hit as a utility for the Apple IIgs. Photonix could
copy a 3.5" disk in as little as a minute, and was shareware. FTA who did
Photonix, did a sequel called Photonix II.

Photonix II had a configurable control panel with english / french language
displays. Other choices included how many times to read a track, and a
choice of two different eject sounds. As an added bonus it will also check
for some viruses. Those of you who have had to make backups of Macintosh
disks know how slow the Mac can be... well Photonix II can copy those same
Mac disks just as quickly as it can do GS disks.

Photonix runs on a ROM 01 or 03 machine, and will work off a hard drive.
The only flaw occurs when using a hard drive. After using Photonix II, you
must reboot, you can not quit back to the Finder.

ToolBox distributes Photonix II (which is NOT shareware) for $45.00 + $5.00
for airmail shipping. You can order your program direct from ToolBox at:
ToolBox 6, Rue Henri Barbusse 95100 Argenteuil France or you can contact
them by fax at : 0 11 33 1 39 47 44 08

ToolBox is also distributing two GS Arcade games.

Bouncing Bluster II - Breakout style game includes screen editor. Loosely
based on the old Breakout game, with GS Graphics, GS Sound, monsters, magic
capsules, and more !! $59.00 + $5.00 shipping

Space Shark - Defender style game. You fly around in your space craft
shooting your laser cannon, and dropping bombs on the invading aliens. 15
levels all taking advantage of the GS's Sound and Graphics. $49.00 + $5.00
shipping    Demo disk also available.

/\> New Apple II computer release

KansasFest may be a BIG event this year. Sources say that Apple will be
releasing a new computer.

This new machine will contain an optional 40mb Hard drive, and include 2mb
of Ram on the system board. Also included in every box will be Hypercard

Conflicting rumors say that the new GS will either include an internal 3.5
disk drive, or the SuperDrive. Others say that this drive will require an
expansion card to work. The benefit of an expansion card will be the
ability to connect the SuperDrive to the older Apple IIe also.

The SuperDrive is a high density disk drive that is installed on all
current Macintosh Computers. This disk drive allows you to hold 1.44mb of
information on 1 disk. This would be like a mini hard drive for most Apple
IIe users, and make life easier for GS owners with out hard drives.

Another feature of this new machine may be a new improved graphics mode
enabling graphics of 640 x 400 resolution. No information on how many
colors yet. In order to use this new mode, the Apple IIgs may have to be
connected to a new monitor, such as the 12" monitor used on the LC. Dealers
may have noticed, since the LC went on to the price list, a GS adapter
cable for the LC monitor has also been on the dealer price list.

A possibility of a GS card for a Macintosh LC are also being discussed.
Considering that a Macintosh LC has 2mb of Ram, a Super Drive, and a 40mb
Hard drive, it may not be that far fetched, however most sources feel it is
not true.

Printer in the May 13, 1991 Computer Retail Week was the following blurb:
"The first product from Apple's new Consumer Products Division is expected
to be a palmtop computer based on the Apple II operating system. Sources
said it will be similar in style and weight to Hewlett-Packard's 95LX,
which was announced last month and lists for $699." Is this true? It could
be done. We will just have to wait and see.

If you want to see the new GS, plan on attending Kansas in mid July. Rumors
point to KansasFest as the release (or at least sneak preview) of this new


/\> System 6.0 for the Apple IIgs computer.

 If System 6.0 is anywhere as good of an upgrade as 5.0 was,it will be 
worth the wait.

Rumored features include: Speed increase to almost double what System 5.0
does. Most FINDER operations will be quicker. GS owners who user hard
drives and GS/OS will see a faster finder. This speed increase is due to
some tighter and more compact code.

Another big rumored feature is the use of more FSTs. FST stands for File
System Translator. Currently GS/OS can't understand ProDos. In order to
make all of your Apple ProDos disks work, GS/OS uses a FST for ProDos. The
FST explains to GS/OS what a ProDos disk looks like, how files and
directories are stored on the disk, and how to read and write to the disk.
Macintosh and IBM FSTs are among the hopeful features. These new FSTs will
allow you to put a Macintosh or IBM disk into your disk drive, and move
through the directories as if it was a regular Prodos disk on your desktop.

Another big feature could be a new driver for the SuperDrive which holds
1.44mb of information. Many IBM and Macintosh Disks are based on the 1.44
or high density format. In order to use these disks, you will need a
SuperDrive. If you want to use the SuperDrive for storage of Apple II
files, the drive needs a way to communicate with GS/OS. Enter the driver.
This file would allow the use of the SuperDrive on the Apple IIgs.

Another feature may be the inclusion of the MidiSynth Tool for better sound
support, and the new Animation Toolkit which was demonstrated at KansasFest
last year.

The last "new" feature, which seems unlikely, is Inter Application
Communication. This feature is what System 7.0 uses on the Macintosh, and
what Windows 3.0 uses on IBM machines. To sum up Inter Application
Communication I will use an example. You make a spreadsheet in Appleworks
3.0, taking the totals, you create a graph in a graphing program. Finally
you use Publish IT to put the graph into a newsletter. At the last minute,
the spreadsheet information is updated. The graph program automatically
changes the chart based on the new information, and Publish IT changes the
newsletter to reflect the new chart, all automatically. Now there is a
problem, these programs would have to be written with the new Inter
Application Communication feature built in. Current programs won't take
advantage of it.

When is System 6.0 going to be released?

Sources say either at KansasFest in mid July, or sometime this fall. 
/\> General Disclaimer:  The opinions expressed within these bytes do not
necessarily reflect the views of Pro-Fla or any other electronic bulletin 
board service where this is found. Trademarks, logos, brand and product 
names are registered trademarks of their respective holders. If you wish 
to subscribe, submit an article, disagree with anything contained on these
bytes, write or ask your sysop to send your message to;

  INET: editor@pro-fla.cts.com         |     Notes and Comments 
  UUCP: crash!editor@pro-fla           |     Apple II Editor
  ProLine: pro-fla!editor              |     9623 Sun Dial Dr.
  AOL: Handles                         |     Tampa, FL 33635-1125
Call Pro-Fla (813)885-1552. <8N1> 1200-9600,v32,v42.
Deadline: end of each month.  *Copyright (c) Michael A.Lyons*
Editor, founder, publisher, and gofor: mlyons@pro-fla.