[comp.sys.mac.misc] Help oh hard drive failure

pont@sdd.hp.com (Jorge Pont) (06/15/91)

Can anyone help me with a hard drive failure?

The hard drive in my SE has failed for the second time.
The original drive was a 20 mb Miniscribe.  It failed after 6 months
of use.  The people at Computerland replaced it for ~ $300.
The disk they put in just failed (it lasted for about 1.5 years).
The symptoms of the failure are a repetitive initialization mechanical
noise, and total failure to recognize the drive.

My questions are:

- Do the hard drives in the SE have a high failure rate?
- What are my options if I don't want to spend $400 to get it
  fixed at Computerland? (I can do the actual replacement myself.)
- How can I get Apple to pay for it? 
- Who (of some weight and substance) in Apple do I fire a very angry
  complaint letter to? (I want to tell them what I think about 
  the reliability of their product).

Could you please e-mail me the response? (I don't read this newsgroup.)

Thanks in advance, from a sad Mac user.

Jorge (pont@sdd.hp.com)