[comp.sys.mac.misc] I need a word processor.

ssegan@dorsai (Sascha I. Segan) (06/17/91)

Well, I'm getting around to looking for a new word processor, and I've come 
down to three choices. I need the Net's help after this point, though.
My choices are Nisus 3.xx, Word 4.xx, and WordPerfect 2.xx. 
I'm running a 2.5 
I'm running a 2.5 MB Mac SE with a 20MB HD under System 7.
I'm going to need to do serious work with this thing - very pretty 
documents, though not too long (30pp tops?) I want a nice dictionary, maybe 
a thesaurus, footnoting, basic page layout (columns, at least), maybe 
macros, good online help - essentially, power. I also want speed, however.
Can people who have used and/or compared these programs give me some pros 
and cons? If there is demand, I'll post a summary of replies.
(Please send mail to dorsai!ssegan@uu.psi.com.)

tlt38517@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Terry Lee Thiel) (06/17/91)

ssegan@dorsai (Sascha I. Segan) writes:

>Well, I'm getting around to looking for a new word processor, and I've come 
>down to three choices. I need the Net's help after this point, though.
>My choices are Nisus 3.xx, Word 4.xx, and WordPerfect 2.xx. 
>I'm running a 2.5 
>I'm running a 2.5 MB Mac SE with a 20MB HD under System 7.
>I'm going to need to do serious work with this thing - very pretty 
>documents, though not too long (30pp tops?) I want a nice dictionary, maybe 
>a thesaurus, footnoting, basic page layout (columns, at least), maybe 
>macros, good online help - essentially, power. I also want speed, however.
>Can people who have used and/or compared these programs give me some pros 
>and cons? If there is demand, I'll post a summary of replies.
Go for Nisus, it has most of the power of the other two, is more intuitive, and is much faster on an SE.  WP is slow even on my SE/30, while Word is slow, underpowered (at least these days it is) and non-intuitive.  Nisus as well as WP havedrawing tools built in while Word does not.  I have played around with the new WP quite a bit and just do not like it.  It is much better than WP 1 but then thats not saying much.  I like a word processor that lets me get in and do my writing without thinking about getti

ng the program to do what I want it to do.  Out of all the word processors I have used only Nisus and WriteNow (possibly the old macWrite but not MacWrite II) fit that description.
>(Please send mail to dorsai!ssegan@uu.psi.com.)