[comp.sys.mac.misc] Cerulean Data

tfarring@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Tim Farrington) (06/16/91)

Does anyone know why there is a file on the sys7 disks called Cerulean data?
I know it has system resources in it, but why the name Cerulean Data?
Just Wondering

Tim Farrington
* Tim Farrington		' "Ack!" - Bill The Cat                   *
* Mac Guy, Programmer-at-large. ' "P.C. is the fad of the 90's" - me      *
* tfarring@eniac.seas.upenn.edu ' "Life *is* hard. Anyone who says 	  *    * ***SPACE DESIGNED TO WASTE    'different is selling something" -Westley,*

pem@usage.csd.unsw.oz.au (Peter E. Middleton) (06/17/91)

To: tfarring%eniac.seas.upenn.edu@munnari.cs.mu.oz
Subject: Re: Cerulean Data
In-reply-to: your article <44720@netnews.upenn.edu>
News-Path: metro!munnari.oz.au!uunet!lll-winken!cert!netnews.upenn.edu!eniac.seas.upenn.edu!tfarring

> Does anyone know why there is a file on the sys7 disks called Cerulean data?
> I know it has system resources in it, but why the name Cerulean Data?
> Just Wondering
> Tim Farrington
> tfarring@eniac.seas.upenn.edu
        Well I understand that the System 7 project was called "Blue"
and was worked on by a bunch of "Blue Meanies". "Cerulean" is a shade
of blue!

	Cute aint it!
| Peter E. Middleton				usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU |
|								     |
| IBM:					Apple:			     |
| "Intuitive Graphical Interface	    "Desktop"		     |
|  with workplace extensions".					     |

gaynor@agvax2.ag.ohio-state.edu (06/17/91)

In article <44720@netnews.upenn.edu>, tfarring@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Tim Farrington) writes:
>Does anyone know why there is a file on the sys7 disks called Cerulean data?
>I know it has system resources in it, but why the name Cerulean Data?
>Just Wondering

I don't have a dictionary handy for the -exact- definition, but
"cerulean" is a color the shade of sky-blue.  System 7, in it's
infancy, was known by the code name "Blue".  Programmers on the System
7 project (such as the frequently-posting Dean Yu) were known as "Blue
Meanies".  There is a SND that System 7 installs called "Indigo."

All-in-all, it's due to the project being code-named "Blue."

Me, I want to know why the same file was called "Chocolate Data" in
one of the beta releases... <grin>

Jim Gaynor - AgVAX System Manager - Academic Computing - Ohio State University
VMS:<gaynor@agvax2.ag.ohio-state.edu>  UNIX:<gaynor@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Disclaimer : All opinions expressed here are mine and only mine.  So there!
Witty Quote: "Shoot him now!  Shoot him now!" - Daffy Duck, "Rabbit Seasonings"

pejacoby@mmm.serc.3m.com (Paul E. Jacoby) (06/20/91)

In article <1991Jun17.133106.11652@zardoz.eng.ohio-state.edu> gaynor@agvax2.ag.ohio-state.edu writes:
>Me, I want to know why the same file was called "Chocolate Data" in
>one of the beta releases... <grin>

Jim, I'd suspect that was put in place by one of the Meanies "in a
Mountain Dew induced haze," as is so often the case :-)

Perhaps we should start the vote for the name of the next Developer's
CD-ROM?  I mean really, "Lord of the Files"?  Not hardly punny enough.
Must have been an off day :-)
| Paul E. Jacoby, 3M Company, 3M Center, 235-3F-27                   |
| Maplewood, MN   55144-1000     .-----------------------------------|
| => pejacoby@3m.com             |     I'm afraid this is getting    |
|                 (612) 737-3211 |            too silly!             |