Hello, a question for you more knowledgeable than myself. Rectently I found a program called 'Downline' for anon-ftp at sumex-aim. I picked it up, since the abstract sounded interesting, and de-binhexed and unstuffed it. No problem there. As far as I can tell I'm supposed to run it under MultiFinder and when I put a stuffit file in the specified folder it's supposed to unstuff it. If I put in a binhex file, it's supposed to de-binhex it. OK, so I specified a folder, ran Multifinder, and started downloading some .sit files to it from my VAX account. Nothing happened. Everything sat that, and still is since I'm still uploading. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong? This sounds like a really useful item, since I upload in pretty big batches, although I delete most of it later anyway. Well, thanks for your help. Sunil