[comp.sys.mac.misc] Help with DA Menu Strangeness

heuring@kirk.Colorado.EDU (Vincent Heuring) (06/22/91)

How about a little help with a strange problem:  My wife was working
through some hypertalk exercises, and one of them asked for a b/w
screen.  So she went into the control panel and made the selection.
After she did the hypercard exercise, she went back to the "Apple" menu,
and all the entries on it were in "jibberish," to quote her.  I haven't
seen it, but it looks like maybe the jibberish is actually the symbol font.

Everything else seems to be working ok.  Any ideas what she did, and
how to fix it?

She's running a IIsi with system 6.

 Vincent Heuring     Dep't of Electrical & Computer Engineering
 University of Colorado - Boulder  heuring@boulder.Colorado.EDU