[comp.sys.mac.misc] Mac SIMMs vs. PC SIMMs - Thanks!

pardue@gn.ecn.purdue.edu (Jon Pardue) (06/26/91)

Thanks to all who replied to my question about using 9-chip SIMMs in a Mac.
Apparently it can be done, and is in fact being done by most people who
replied with no problems, as long as the chip speed is right for the Mac and
all SIMMs in a bank are the same speed.

Thanks again to all who replied!  Time to pick through the leftovers from
that last PC upgrade...  ;-)

Jon Pardue                            "The plural of 'spouse' is 'SPICE'."
pardue@gn.ecn.purdue.edu                                  - me
"Old musicians never die, they just go from bar to bar." - Anonymous