(Rich Akerboom) (08/18/90)
A while back someone posted a lengthy article about surge protectors, advocating the use of a new brand that would better handle the kinds of surges really found on the grid, and would not fail leaving the circuit open and unprotected. The Boston Computer Society-Mac Groups' publication, The Active Window, Aug. 1990, page 20 mentions an article by Andy Baird in the Princeton, NJ MUG newletter that I think may have been the source of this posting. Although, as I recall, the poster got flamed a bit for trying to sound im- partial while being financially connected with the company making the new type of surge protectors, after talking with some in the industry, there seems to be some merit in his arguements. If you could send me a copy of this posting, I would be grateful. Thanks in advance- Rich -- Rich Akerboom Internet, etc.: Sylvan Software UUCP: decvax!dartvax!eleazar!boomer P. O. Box 566 Telephone: (802) 649-2238 Norwich, VT 05055 USA