[comp.sys.mac.wanted] toxic ravine part 6

knightj@tc.fluke.COM (Jeffry P. Knight) (09/11/90)

I need part six of Toxic Ravine. Our news feed went down and I didn't get that 
part. I'm having withdrawl symtoms, not being able to use the other five parts.
I'm looking for some kind sole to send me a copy.


                                                             _ _
                                 __                         /   \      /\  /\
       Jeff Knight        _   __(  )__                      \   / _   / / / /
                       __( )_(        )                       -/_</_ /_/_/_/ 
          aka         (_______)-------)                     / /     /\  /\ 
                        \\ > \\\ < \\\\                     \/     /_/ /_/
    The STORMIN' Mormon   <       >                     knightj@tc.fluke.COM
                                                             _ _
                                 __                         /   \      /\  /\
       Jeff Knight        _   __(  )__                      \   / _   / / / /
                       __( )_(        )                       -/_</_ /_/_/_/ 
          aka         (_______)-------)                     / /     /\  /\ 
                        \\ > \\\ < \\\\                     \/     /_/ /_/
    The STORMIN' Mormon   <       >                     knightj@tc.fluke.COM