I am looking for a screen saver that is freeware. Ideally something that does something, but the most important part is that I can legally give it to 30+ people where I work. If you give me a FTP site, please indicate which directory to look for. E-Mailed resposnes would be appreciated. (Gotta buy a dictionary.) I have Stuffit 1.5.1 and various BinHex's. Thanks a lot. "I wasn't talking to YOU!" -- Worf (Brain in Neutral) (10/17/90)
I wrote a thing called ZoomIdle once, and it's free, but the problem with it is that it's a DA and you have to run it manually - it doesn't just take over when you've been idle for some given amount of time. If you want it, see below. Source is available anon ftp to Yours, Paul DuBois (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) :#eT[Efe*C'aP-5ia!%4'58a%68p@!*!)#&AP[3#3"!%!N!-)&J!!"aB!N!-r!*! )!eB!N!B#UJ#3!fJ!!!1D!!!%!J#3"J3#!*!'"!)!N!B%!J#3"J3#!*!'"!)!N!H 3!!%#!*!),`G19J!!3QHSB6!I2J!-4`!!AF"%!'F!!!J`"d4!2J!`,J!-8N!r!$! (5-#"hd*!5%!p3!!16PiZ(b"Ih[`!!Nl351FI!%j@rq`JEJ!J9)J`%$i!)'i!)$! 32!!JEJ!F9)J`%*!!4ce!rriJEJ!F-"#3!%Bp32rm)'i!)&b)-"#3!%Fp32rb)'i !)&L)-"#3!%Bp32r`)'i!(&5)!!!(%L3!N!-"DJ#3!e3!3J&3!%)"!J`!@Qp[E8P NE'8a,M%!N!K'!"N!D!"Brrm!N"*)j`$i+'N!&0Rm!*!$(%lk!MT)j`$i4rS#6%U T!"4Q!!#F)#X!@JD!!*!$(+%H)dJ!&%T!C`i[#6mm!!+Tb#*I6[S#&#K)fI`!N!- F1AcrN!2f'A`!!2r[+8Rrk%+Xrr*"q[q-5K"R!!")51F!F%+R3UG)H[p`5(Vr@$m m!3""q[pX2a"`rbm!2c`"!%+RU4-JAdcI$J!aI!!*!%SaI!!%!%3T52rb)dJ!(M& T!"J!E#!m!*!$!N+"6VS"F%lk!Ba)j`$i5UN!&'Fd+'N!&0Rm!*!$(%Ik!BiJ2!# 3!a*#J8kk!8JQE2rS)'X!&+%I5UX!(QF!!!J[+`!HU43L5d+T!"j#U3!83N"-ham !6R9)j`$i4rS"8#KT!"6Cr!#3!a``+!!D$%!!3'G#$%!!3@F3$%!!3fFD4IVqZ$5 !6[S!2L!m!*!$&N+"6VS!i%lk!2`r+!!F2bJ!(L!m!*!$'R)%6VS!b%*RU6K1qJ$ J*'J!($)5F!(MB-"V!&jR*Lm+,`SJ2!#3!ajb"%kk!+!NAdIk!04+,2r[CJ!!XJa 5rrpR!!#U-")-3!!$C`!!(Ja!!!9R!!!@$%!!"QF!!&!-3!!"C`!!*%lk!)3`+J! %!N!!rcm!2bS!$L!m!*!$#R)%6VS!5Nlk!'B[,2rbU(-[#JDA!*!$#UKa,bS!#L! m!*!$"R)%6VS!*Nlk!%)[+J!#U5)J2!#3!`j#J5m+6VS!$L4I,bS!!UNM6[S!)L! c!!"+J'F5em"+V2rbC`!!##mXrr+SFdl6)&rI`8l35LcrlfF!!!`LE2rS2bN!'+Q h3N"-ham!6R8!"3!!!HS!N")$FJ#3"J+k!*!$D!!!"!3!!!4X!*!'"'`!N!B%E!# 3"J4X!*!'"'`!N!B%E!#3"j!!!3)!N!J["dj@!!"#CkKK-"mq!!a(!!"G`%3!C`! !#$!(4%!q!$!Z!!a53$m!-!G)`)(I3N")3$e!!!j1ALiI)&rHr!!#6Y")jam!6PE rl#"Z!#"8L$!32J!JEJ!J-"!m!#"Z!"a8L$!3N!"(28$rrL"Z!"``%*!!4Me!rr` JEJ!JA)J`%*!!4ce!rr)JEJ!J@)J`%*!!4Me!rr!JEJ!F9)Jr%#"Z!"aFL$!3N!" IN!"Zrr)p32rk)'i!($m3)'i!(&L)-"#3!&q3!'lrm$e!rrJf2!!"B!!!%&*$$%- !$el!4!"Q!!#F8Q`!J!aX!!m!J&c!4!"R!!!'3Q`!J$!X!)$"r!!),`""l!!))!M 3Rbe!rq`[,[rXU+%r!c!Zrrl"hi(m!!r34cS!2`-`,[rm`Gq"r!!2d%Bi!$m$-#l rqX(IJI`!$p"Zrr,346e!rrBr!c!ZrrM"hi(m!!r3E[r`d%3p32rd,blrl$m&2`3 r,[rf2blrp+LR,blrl+LKB!$r@NjH60m!q#"Ih[`!#%l35'`!!+N35'`!JL"X!!$ 3r!!3)Pp`!5,B8FMrr%(X!)*FL$!318!!M%(X!)*BL$!318!!MN+R,c`!N!4)E!# #3IS!M#m)(c`!!6mm!!3[22q3""mm!!%[2!#3"+N6)"mT3!!!)'`!!0$m!"J[%%K X!)+Shd*RB3!"ZL"X!!$3r!"X-*p#E!#!B!!!&&*X!)!-E!!2!)"F`%3!CJ!!+M! X!)$"r!!),`""l!!))!M4Pcmm!!!r2!!!2c`!!$mm!!#STf!!rmK#,!#+6R8!!Nj @rr3JEJ!)-""J!!#5)'i!#0$m!!i`%!*!!!&R!!"-3UHT1b!I+8!!"+Nd,b`!!+K c5'`!JULL5'`!JUNU2c`!#ULF3Hlrq##mUP@U98(ZrrJJ#&L!)%!J[+T9UP9)E[r iU*dCI!!"!)TJ!!"#,b`!!+NY,b`!"+Nm,b`!"'%!!-5T0bm-,9rrp#!Zrr3'J2q 3!qmJ3"#m!!&J!!!5$%!!#'F!rfS-3!!"C`$r`NjH)&rHr!!%6Y"19[r`5L`!LQF !!(i[,!!!U(1S9N*R2b`!M'%!r0T"l[rd9)J`Rd*R2b`!MQ%!r-K"l[rd-*p#Ccm X!)aK!2bi3Hlrm&5)-*p#CcmX!)jK!2bQ3Hlrm$#I3Hlrp#m33Hlrm#m35'lrq+L X5'`!JNKZrrKK!2c%5'`!JN(ZrrJLAh!")YK4b2rm6Pj1G8j@!!![#L"Z!!LJ)be )!!JNAc(!!L"1AL"Ih[`!"%l36PB!!%+RB3!!&L"Id2`!'$!328!!#'!!!!*1ANj e6PB!!%+RB3!!'L!I"S$rN!2S)%!J%#e!!!KJ!!!#6Pj1G8j@!!![$#eI!!K1ANj e!!!"!*!$#"B!!!F@!*!$2`!!lX)!HJ#3!a`!-J!!4&*@8J#3!`S!'J!!)!#3"Hi +$!"DEfpY5@4XC6%Z-E!"!:
derosa@motcid.UUCP (John DeRosa) (10/18/90) writes: >I am looking for a screen saver that is freeware.......... There are two in the infomac archives that are Shareware or Freeware....Darkness and Moire. (10/19/90)
An update on the screen saver search: Moire Created Nov 25, 1987: When returning to Excel the system crashes. Pyro Created Oct 1, 1988: Error in timer sometimes keeps it from starting, espicially in Microsoft Word. Flex 1.0: Locks up the machine every now and then. AfterDark: Big and expensive, I need something that I can put in 30+ Mac Pluses and SE's with tiny little 20MG hard drives. Also, I'm still a little new to the net, so when you give a FTP site please also include the path to the files. Thanks Rob "I wasn't talking to YOU!" -- Worf
scott@scotty (Scott Howard) (10/20/90) writes: >An update on the screen saver search: >Moire Created Nov 25, 1987: When returning to Excel the system crashes. (Stuff Deleted...) Try using Blackout- it is boring as heck, but is bombproof and doesn't interfere with printing or serial communications. It is available from the CUMUG's library via anonymous FTP ( in the directory /mac. (Harri Valkama LAKE) (10/20/90)
In article <> writes: >An update on the screen saver search: >Moire Created Nov 25, 1987: When returning to Excel the system crashes. This just ain't fare. You are talking about a very old version of Moire. My Moire is v3.02 and I like it. -- == Harri Valkama, University of Vaasa, Finland ================================ P.O. Box 700, 65101 VAASA, Finland (tel:+358 61 248426 fax:+358 61 248465) Moderating at ( & ( (Maurice Sharp) (10/20/90)
In article <> (Harri Valkama LAKE) writes: > This just ain't fare. You are talking about a very old version > of Moire. My Moire is v3.02 and I like it. Does not work on the IIci ! It mucks up the colour tables and causes the apple for the apple menu to dissapear. If it ever works properly, I would not mind using it, but v3.02 definately does NOT work. maurice -- Maurice Sharp MSc. Student (403) 220 7690 University of Calgary Computer Science Department 2500 University Drive N.W. sharp@cpsc.UCalgary.CA Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4 GEnie M.SHARP5
rbrewer@reed.UUCP (Robert S. Brewer) (10/22/90)
In article <> writes: >An update on the screen saver search: > >Pyro Created Oct 1, 1988: Error in timer sometimes keeps it from >starting, espicially in Microsoft Word. Pyro is NOT public domain. It is widely pirated, but it was never in the public domain. It is available from 5th Generation Systems. The latest version is 4.0 and it works great for me. -- Robert S. Brewer rbrewer@reed.bitnet or rbrewer@reed.UUCP (tektronix!reed!rbrewer) or This is your brain. This is your brain on spam. This is your brain on spam, with a side order of eggs, sunny side up. Any questions? (10/25/90)
Finally settled on Moire 3.0.2. Seems to work well and is somewhat interesting and, more importantly, somewhat configurable. Thanks for all the help. Rob "Either I'm still dreaming, or he's playing clasical music at 78."