[net.bugs.4bsd] more leaves terminal in ul mode

phil@amd70.UUCP (Phil Ngai) (01/07/84)

And I was going to ask what's the difference between 0 and NULL.
Phil Ngai (408) 988-7777 {ucbvax,decwrl,ihnp4,allegra,intelca}!amd70!phil

kvm@basservax.SUN (01/12/84)

I suggest that you don't spend a lot of time worrying about --More--.
It has perhaps consumed more programmer effort than any other tiny
"write-in-an-evening" program that I have ever seen.  I have seen
numerous versions with various combinations of "fixes", they all
suffer from the initial bad design and implementation.  Do yourself
a favour and write yourself a scroller, even the humble BTL "p" will
bring you less pain.

I expect I should say something about null pointers too, you said:

	they'd checked some potentially null pointers before
	dereferencing them, but compared them to 0 instead of
	NULL, and...

I admit that saying 0 rather than NULL is bad style, but like it
or not, sport, 0 is NULL.  These folk stories about NULL may never had
begun if we had read our C Ref Mans.

7.7:	"A pointer may be compared to an integer only if the integer is
	the constant 0.  A pointer to which 0 has been assigned is
	guaranteed not to point to any object, and will appear to be
	equal to 0; in conventional usage, such a pointer is considered
	to be null."

jim@haring.UUCP (Jim McKie) (01/13/84)

Better still, put terminal paging into the tty driver, then you can 
throw more away (in more ways than one). You don't need much more than
"cat" any more (with fewer, rather than more, options).

Jim McKie  Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam  ..mcvax!jim