[comp.sys.mac.wanted] Red Ryder

dgreen@lucy.claremont.edu (Green, David) (01/29/91)

Hi. I was wondering if anyone could tell me whence I could anon ftp a copy of
Red Ryder, if possible.

Please email responses, and thanks in advance!

+                David Green              |  "This above all: to thine own    *
**-**=**-**+**-**=**-**+**-**=**-**+**-**=| self be true; and it must follow, -
* Internet:  dgreen@hmcvax.claremont.edu  | as the night the day, thou canst  *
=    or:     dgreen@jarthur.claremont.edu |  not then be false to any man."   *
* Bitnet:    dgreen@hmcvax.bitnet         |                --W. Shakespeare   =