[comp.sys.mac.wanted] Wanted: OOD design capture tools

webster@bnr.ca (Brent Webster) (02/15/91)

Object Oriented Design Capture Tool Required:

	- user definable class libraries
	- VHDL: preferred modelling language
	- hierarchical graphic schematic editor
	- interactive simulation
	- instruments for testing & analysis
	- open architecture for lead user development

We are NOT looking for a simulator of NANDs and
AND gates since they are a dime a dozen on the UNIX
workstations.  This tool is aimed at management 
writing new product or feature specifications.

Please reply through USENET since our NETNorth(BITNET)
is not properly configured yet.

Brent Webser  (613)  763-4962  * E-mail:
Mike Popp     (613)  765-2437  *  webster@bnr.ca  (NetNorth)
                               *  webster@bnr.ca.bitnet
Bell-Northern Research Ltd     *  mpopp@bnr.ca
P.O. Box 3511, Station C       *  mpopp@bnr.ca.bitnet
OTTAWA, Ont, Canada            *
K1Y 4H7                        *