[comp.sys.mac.wanted] Wanted : Sources of WangDat drives

epan@jarthur.claremont.edu (Eric C. Pan) (02/20/91)

	I am trying to find the cheapest source of WangDat drive I can find
for my Mac to backup my 660mg Drive. Please send me your best source, even if
you are selling an old one ( inconceivable, since DATs are so new ) I will
compile the messages people sent me and post back on the net in 2 weeks.

The best price I know of so far,
		WangDAT 1.3Gig $1699
		WangDAT 3.0Gig #2249
	I'll throw in 8mm price too,
		Exabyte 2.2Gig $2295

These are from the back of 2/12/91 issue of MacWEEK

	Thanks for any info,