[net.bugs.4bsd] ps and pstat fixes to work on dumps in 4.2

arwhite@watmath.UUCP (Alex White) (02/17/84)

Subject: ps and pstat don't know about page tables for core dumps
Index:	etc/pstat.c bin/ps.c 4.2BSD

	ps -k vmunix.xx vmcore.xx
	pstat -k vmunix.xx vmcore.xx
	both blow up with garbage.
	Procedure to repeat the problem.
	All accesses to the kernel if in a core dump must go thru the
	kernel page tables.  Diffs follow for both ps and pstat

*** ps.c	Fri Feb 17 01:59:54 1984
--- /usr/distr/4.2/usr/src/bin/ps.c	Sun Sep 25 21:05:05 1983
*** 46,57
  #define	X_DMMIN		10
  	{ "_dmmax" },
  #define	X_DMMAX		11
- 	{ "_u" },
- #define	X_UAREA		12
- 	{ "_Sysmap" },
- #define	X_SYSMAP	13
- 	{ "_Syssize" },
- #define	X_SYSSIZE	14
  	{ "" },

--- 46,51 -----
  #define	X_DMMIN		10
  	{ "_dmmax" },
  #define	X_DMMAX		11
  	{ "" },
*** 105,110
  } user;
  #define u	user.user
  int	chkpid;
  int	aflg, cflg, eflg, gflg, kflg, lflg, rflg, sflg,
  	uflg, vflg, xflg;

--- 99,106 -----
  } user;
  #define u	user.user
+ #define clear(x) 	((int)x & 0x7fffffff)
  int	chkpid;
  int	aflg, cflg, eflg, gflg, kflg, lflg, sflg,
  	uflg, vflg, xflg;
*** 106,112
  #define u	user.user
  int	chkpid;
! int	aflg, cflg, eflg, gflg, kflg, lflg, rflg, sflg,
  	uflg, vflg, xflg;
  char	*tptr;
  char	*gettty(), *getcmd(), *getname(), *savestr(), *alloc(), *state();

--- 102,108 -----
  #define clear(x) 	((int)x & 0x7fffffff)
  int	chkpid;
! int	aflg, cflg, eflg, gflg, kflg, lflg, sflg,
  	uflg, vflg, xflg;
  char	*tptr;
  char	*gettty(), *getcmd(), *getname(), *savestr(), *alloc(), *state();
*** 182,190
  		case 'l':
- 		case 'r':
- 			rflg++;
- 			break;
  		case 's':

--- 178,183 -----
  		case 'l':
  		case 's':
*** 272,280
  				     mproc->p_stat == SSTOP))
- 			if (rflg && ! (mproc->p_stat == SRUN
- 			    ||  mproc->p_pri < PZERO))
- 				continue;

--- 265,270 -----
  				     mproc->p_stat == SSTOP))
*** 323,337
  	int off;
! 	/*
! 	 *  If this is a dump, then the kernel isn't doing the page mapping
! 	 *  for us.  Simulate it.
! 	 */
! 	if (kflg && (loc & 0x80000000) != 0) {
! 		long v;
! 		long addr;
! 		struct pte pte;
  		loc &= 0x7fffffff;
  		v = btop(loc);
  		if(v >= nl[X_SYSSIZE].n_value) {

--- 313,319 -----
  	int off;
! 	if (kflg)
  		loc &= 0x7fffffff;
  	(void) lseek(fd, (long)loc, off);
*** 333,355
  		struct pte pte;
  		loc &= 0x7fffffff;
- 		v = btop(loc);
- 		if(v >= nl[X_SYSSIZE].n_value) {
- 			printf("address botch %x\n", loc);
- 			return;
- 		}
- 		addr = (long)((struct pte *)nl[X_SYSMAP].n_value + v);
- 		lseek(kmem, addr&0x7fffffff, 0);
- 		if(read(kmem, (char *)&pte, sizeof(pte)) != sizeof(pte)) {
- 			printf("Error reading kmem for pte at %x\n", addr);
- 			return;
- 		}
- 		if (pte.pg_v == 0 && (pte.pg_fod || pte.pg_pfnum == 0)) {
- 			printf("pte bad for %x\n", addr);
- 			return;
- 		}
- 		loc = (long)ptob(pte.pg_pfnum) + (loc & PGOFSET);
- 	}
  	(void) lseek(fd, (long)loc, off);

--- 315,320 -----
  	if (kflg)
  		loc &= 0x7fffffff;
  	(void) lseek(fd, (long)loc, off);
*** 397,402
  		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No namelist\n", nlistf);
  	usrpt = (struct pte *)nl[X_USRPT].n_value;	/* don't clear!! */
  	Usrptma = (struct pte *)nl[X_USRPTMA].n_value;
  	klseek(kmem, (long)nl[X_NSWAP].n_value, 0);

--- 362,370 -----
  		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No namelist\n", nlistf);
+ 	if (kflg)
+ 		for (nlp = nl; nlp < &nl[sizeof (nl)/sizeof (nl[0])]; nlp++)
+ 			nlp->n_value = clear(nlp->n_value);
  	usrpt = (struct pte *)nl[X_USRPT].n_value;	/* don't clear!! */
  	Usrptma = (struct pte *)nl[X_USRPTMA].n_value;
  	klseek(kmem, (long)nl[X_NSWAP].n_value, 0);
*** 757,763
  			    mproc->p_pid, swapf);
  			return (0);
! 		pcbpf = mproc->p_swaddr;
  		argaddr = 0;
  		return (1);

--- 725,731 -----
  			    mproc->p_pid, swapf);
  			return (0);
! 		pcbpf = 0;
  		argaddr = 0;
  		return (1);
*** 761,766
  		argaddr = 0;
  		return (1);
  	pteaddr = &Usrptma[btokmx(mproc->p_p0br) + mproc->p_szpt - 1];
  	klseek(kmem, (long)pteaddr, 0);
  	if (read(kmem, (char *)&apte, sizeof(apte)) != sizeof(apte)) {

--- 729,736 -----
  		argaddr = 0;
  		return (1);
+ 	if (kflg)
+ 		mproc->p_p0br = (struct pte *)clear(mproc->p_p0br);
  	pteaddr = &Usrptma[btokmx(mproc->p_p0br) + mproc->p_szpt - 1];
  	klseek(kmem, (long)pteaddr, 0);
  	if (read(kmem, (char *)&apte, sizeof(apte)) != sizeof(apte)) {
*** 765,771
  	klseek(kmem, (long)pteaddr, 0);
  	if (read(kmem, (char *)&apte, sizeof(apte)) != sizeof(apte)) {
  		printf("ps: cant read indir pte to get u for pid %d from %s\n",
! 		    mproc->p_pid, kmemf);
  		return (0);

--- 735,741 -----
  	klseek(kmem, (long)pteaddr, 0);
  	if (read(kmem, (char *)&apte, sizeof(apte)) != sizeof(apte)) {
  		printf("ps: cant read indir pte to get u for pid %d from %s\n",
! 		    mproc->p_pid, swapf);
  		return (0);
*** 883,889
  char	*lhdr =
  	struct savcom *sp;

--- 853,859 -----
  char	*lhdr =
  	struct savcom *sp;
*** 894,905
  	    ap->a_flag, ap->a_uid,
  	    ap->a_pid, lp->l_ppid, lp->l_cpu&0377, ap->a_pri-PZERO,
  	    ap->a_nice-NZERO, lp->l_addr, pgtok(ap->a_size), pgtok(ap->a_rss));
! 	if(lp->l_wchan == (caddr_t)nl[X_UAREA].n_value)
! 		printf("  pause");
! 	else
! 		printf(lp->l_wchan ? " %6x" : "       ",
! 			(int)lp->l_wchan&~0x80000000);
  	printf(" %4.4s ", state(ap));

--- 864,870 -----
  	    ap->a_flag, ap->a_uid,
  	    ap->a_pid, lp->l_ppid, lp->l_cpu&0377, ap->a_pri-PZERO,
  	    ap->a_nice-NZERO, lp->l_addr, pgtok(ap->a_size), pgtok(ap->a_rss));
! 	printf(lp->l_wchan ? " %5x" : "      ", (int)lp->l_wchan&0xfffff);
  	printf(" %4.4s ", state(ap));
*** 1103,1109
  	return (vp->v_swrss + (ap->a_xccount ? 0 : vp->v_txtswrss));
! #define	NMAX	16	/* sizeof loginname (should be sizeof (utmp.ut_name)) */
  #define NUID	2048	/* must not be a multiple of 5 */
  struct nametable {

--- 1068,1074 -----
  	return (vp->v_swrss + (ap->a_xccount ? 0 : vp->v_txtswrss));
! #define	NMAX	8	/* sizeof loginname (should be sizeof (utmp.ut_name)) */
  #define NUID	2048	/* must not be a multiple of 5 */
  struct nametable {
*** pstat.c	Fri Feb 17 01:52:34 1984
--- /usr/distr/4.2/usr/src/etc/pstat.c	Wed Nov  2 18:51:57 1983
*** 74,83
  	{ "_nswdev" },
  #define	SSWDEVT	21
  	{ "_swdevt" },
- #define	X_SYSMAP 22
- 	{ "_Sysmap" },
- #define	X_SYSSIZE 23
- 	{ "_Syssize" },
  	{ "" }

--- 74,79 -----
  	{ "_nswdev" },
  #define	SSWDEVT	21
  	{ "_swdevt" },
  	{ "" }
*** 175,184
  		printf("no namelist\n");
- 	if (kflg && (nl[X_SYSMAP].n_value == 0 || nl[X_SYSSIZE].n_value == 0)) {
- 		printf("No _Sysmap or _Syssize\n");
- 		exit(1);
- 	}
  	allflags = filf | totflg | inof | prcf | txtf | ttyf | usrf | swpf;
  	if (allflags == 0) {
  		printf("pstat: one or more of -[aixptfsu] is required\n");

--- 171,176 -----
  		printf("no namelist\n");
  	allflags = filf | totflg | inof | prcf | txtf | ttyf | usrf | swpf;
  	if (allflags == 0) {
  		printf("pstat: one or more of -[aixptfsu] is required\n");
*** 216,222
  	nin = 0;
  	ninode = getw(nl[SNINODE].n_value);
  	xinode = (struct inode *)calloc(ninode, sizeof (struct inode));
! 	klseek(fc, (int)(ainode = (struct inode *)getw(nl[SINODE].n_value)), 0);
  	read(fc, xinode, ninode * sizeof(struct inode));
  	for (ip = xinode; ip < &xinode[ninode]; ip++)
  		if (ip->i_count)

--- 208,214 -----
  	nin = 0;
  	ninode = getw(nl[SNINODE].n_value);
  	xinode = (struct inode *)calloc(ninode, sizeof (struct inode));
! 	lseek(fc, (int)(ainode = (struct inode *)getw(nl[SINODE].n_value)), 0);
  	read(fc, xinode, ninode * sizeof(struct inode));
  	for (ip = xinode; ip < &xinode[ninode]; ip++)
  		if (ip->i_count)
*** 263,269
  	int word;
! 	klseek(fc, loc, 0);
  	read(fc, &word, sizeof (word));
  	return (word);

--- 255,263 -----
  	int word;
! 	if (kflg)
! 		loc &= 0x7fffffff;
! 	lseek(fc, loc, 0);
  	read(fc, &word, sizeof (word));
  	if (kflg)
  		word &= 0x7fffffff;
*** 265,270
  	klseek(fc, loc, 0);
  	read(fc, &word, sizeof (word));
  	return (word);

--- 259,266 -----
  		loc &= 0x7fffffff;
  	lseek(fc, loc, 0);
  	read(fc, &word, sizeof (word));
+ 	if (kflg)
+ 		word &= 0x7fffffff;
  	return (word);
*** 286,292
  	ntx = 0;
  	ntext = getw(nl[SNTEXT].n_value);
  	xtext = (struct text *)calloc(ntext, sizeof (struct text));
! 	klseek(fc, (int)(atext = (struct text *)getw(nl[STEXT].n_value)), 0);
  	read(fc, xtext, ntext * sizeof (struct text));
  	for (xp = xtext; xp < &xtext[ntext]; xp++)
  		if (xp->x_iptr!=NULL)

--- 282,288 -----
  	ntx = 0;
  	ntext = getw(nl[SNTEXT].n_value);
  	xtext = (struct text *)calloc(ntext, sizeof (struct text));
! 	lseek(fc, (int)(atext = (struct text *)getw(nl[STEXT].n_value)), 0);
  	read(fc, xtext, ntext * sizeof (struct text));
  	for (xp = xtext; xp < &xtext[ntext]; xp++)
  		if (xp->x_iptr!=NULL)
*** 330,336
  	nproc = getw(nl[SNPROC].n_value);
  	xproc = (struct proc *)calloc(nproc, sizeof (struct proc));
! 	klseek(fc, (int)(aproc = (struct proc *)getw(nl[SPROC].n_value)), 0);
  	read(fc, xproc, nproc * sizeof (struct proc));
  	np = 0;
  	for (pp=xproc; pp < &xproc[nproc]; pp++)

--- 326,332 -----
  	nproc = getw(nl[SNPROC].n_value);
  	xproc = (struct proc *)calloc(nproc, sizeof (struct proc));
! 	lseek(fc, (int)(aproc = (struct proc *)getw(nl[SPROC].n_value)), 0);
  	read(fc, xproc, nproc * sizeof (struct proc));
  	np = 0;
  	for (pp=xproc; pp < &xproc[nproc]; pp++)
*** 359,365
  		printf(" %6d", pp->p_pgrp);
  		printf(" %6d", pp->p_pid);
  		printf(" %6d", pp->p_ppid);
! 		klseek(fc, (long)(Usrptma+btokmx(pp->p_addr)), 0);
  		read(fc, &apte, sizeof(apte));
  		printf(" %8x", ctob(apte.pg_pfnum+1) - sizeof(struct pte) * UPAGES);
  		printf(" %4x", pp->p_rssize);

--- 355,363 -----
  		printf(" %6d", pp->p_pgrp);
  		printf(" %6d", pp->p_pid);
  		printf(" %6d", pp->p_ppid);
! 		if (kflg)
! 			pp->p_addr = (struct pte *)clear((int)pp->p_addr);
! 		lseek(fc, (long)(Usrptma+btokmx(pp->p_addr)), 0);
  		read(fc, &apte, sizeof(apte));
  		printf(" %8x", ctob(apte.pg_pfnum+1) - sizeof(struct pte) * UPAGES);
  		printf(" %4x", pp->p_rssize);
*** 380,386
  	register char *mesg;
  	printf("1 cons\n");
! 	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SKL].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, sizeof(dz_tty[0]));
  	mesg = " # RAW CAN OUT   MODE    ADDR   DEL COL  STATE     PGRP DISC\n";

--- 378,386 -----
  	register char *mesg;
  	printf("1 cons\n");
! 	if (kflg)
! 		nl[SKL].n_value = clear(nl[SKL].n_value);
! 	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SKL].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, sizeof(dz_tty[0]));
  	mesg = " # RAW CAN OUT   MODE    ADDR   DEL COL  STATE   PGRP DISC\n";
*** 382,388
  	printf("1 cons\n");
  	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SKL].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, sizeof(dz_tty[0]));
! 	mesg = " # RAW CAN OUT   MODE    ADDR   DEL COL  STATE     PGRP DISC\n";
  	ttyprt(&dz_tty[0], 0);
  	if (nl[SNDZ].n_type == 0)

--- 382,388 -----
  		nl[SKL].n_value = clear(nl[SKL].n_value);
  	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SKL].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, sizeof(dz_tty[0]));
! 	mesg = " # RAW CAN OUT   MODE    ADDR   DEL COL  STATE   PGRP DISC\n";
  	ttyprt(&dz_tty[0], 0);
  	if (nl[SNDZ].n_type == 0)
*** 387,393
  	ttyprt(&dz_tty[0], 0);
  	if (nl[SNDZ].n_type == 0)
  		goto dh;
! 	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SNDZ].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, &ndz, sizeof(ndz));
  	printf("%d dz lines\n", ndz);
  	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SDZ].n_value, 0);

--- 387,397 -----
  	ttyprt(&dz_tty[0], 0);
  	if (nl[SNDZ].n_type == 0)
  		goto dh;
! 	if (kflg) {
! 		nl[SNDZ].n_value = clear(nl[SNDZ].n_value);
! 		nl[SDZ].n_value = clear(nl[SDZ].n_value);
! 	}
! 	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SNDZ].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, &ndz, sizeof(ndz));
  	printf("%d dz lines\n", ndz);
  	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SDZ].n_value, 0);
*** 390,396
  	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SNDZ].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, &ndz, sizeof(ndz));
  	printf("%d dz lines\n", ndz);
! 	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SDZ].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, ndz * sizeof (struct tty));
  	for (tp = dz_tty; tp < &dz_tty[ndz]; tp++)
  		ttyprt(tp, tp - dz_tty);

--- 394,400 -----
  	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SNDZ].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, &ndz, sizeof(ndz));
  	printf("%d dz lines\n", ndz);
! 	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SDZ].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, ndz * sizeof (struct tty));
  	for (tp = dz_tty; tp < &dz_tty[ndz]; tp++)
  		ttyprt(tp, tp - dz_tty);
*** 397,403
  	if (nl[SNDH].n_type == 0)
  		goto pty;
! 	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SNDH].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, &ndz, sizeof(ndz));
  	printf("%d dh lines\n", ndz);
  	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SDH].n_value, 0);

--- 401,411 -----
  	if (nl[SNDH].n_type == 0)
  		goto pty;
! 	if (kflg) {
! 		nl[SNDH].n_value = clear(nl[SNDH].n_value);
! 		nl[SDH].n_value = clear(nl[SDH].n_value);
! 	}
! 	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SNDH].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, &ndz, sizeof(ndz));
  	printf("%d dh lines\n", ndz);
  	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SDH].n_value, 0);
*** 400,406
  	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SNDH].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, &ndz, sizeof(ndz));
  	printf("%d dh lines\n", ndz);
! 	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SDH].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, ndz * sizeof(struct tty));
  	for (tp = dz_tty; tp < &dz_tty[ndz]; tp++)
  		ttyprt(tp, tp - dz_tty);

--- 408,414 -----
  	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SNDH].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, &ndz, sizeof(ndz));
  	printf("%d dh lines\n", ndz);
! 	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SDH].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, ndz * sizeof(struct tty));
  	for (tp = dz_tty; tp < &dz_tty[ndz]; tp++)
  		ttyprt(tp, tp - dz_tty);
*** 407,412
  	if (nl[SPTY].n_type == 0)
  		goto pty;
  	printf("32 pty lines\n");
  	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SPTY].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, 32*sizeof(struct tty));

--- 415,423 -----
  	if (nl[SPTY].n_type == 0)
  		goto pty;
+ 	if (kflg) {
+ 		nl[SPTY].n_value = clear(nl[SPTY].n_value);
+ 	}
  	printf("32 pty lines\n");
  	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SPTY].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, 32*sizeof(struct tty));
*** 408,414
  	if (nl[SPTY].n_type == 0)
  		goto pty;
  	printf("32 pty lines\n");
! 	klseek(fc, (long)nl[SPTY].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, 32*sizeof(struct tty));
  	for (tp = dz_tty; tp < &dz_tty[32]; tp++)
  		ttyprt(tp, tp - dz_tty);

--- 419,425 -----
  		nl[SPTY].n_value = clear(nl[SPTY].n_value);
  	printf("32 pty lines\n");
! 	lseek(fc, (long)nl[SPTY].n_value, 0);
  	read(fc, dz_tty, 32*sizeof(struct tty));
  	for (tp = dz_tty; tp < &dz_tty[32]; tp++)
  		ttyprt(tp, tp - dz_tty);
*** 449,456
  	putf(tp->t_state&TS_ASLEEP, 'A');
  	putf(tp->t_state&TS_XCLUDE, 'X');
  	putf(tp->t_state&TS_HUPCLS, 'H');
- 	putf(tp->t_state&TS_TTSTOP, 'S');
- 	putf(tp->t_state&TS_TBLOCK, 'Q');
  	printf("%6d", tp->t_pgrp);
  	switch (tp->t_line) {

--- 460,465 -----
  	putf(tp->t_state&TS_ASLEEP, 'A');
  	putf(tp->t_state&TS_XCLUDE, 'X');
  	putf(tp->t_state&TS_HUPCLS, 'H');
  	printf("%6d", tp->t_pgrp);
  	switch (tp->t_line) {
*** 599,605
  	nf = 0;
  	nfile = getw(nl[SNFILE].n_value);
  	xfile = (struct file *)calloc(nfile, sizeof (struct file));
! 	klseek(fc, (int)(afile = (struct file *)getw(nl[SFIL].n_value)), 0);
  	read(fc, xfile, nfile * sizeof (struct file));
  	for (fp=xfile; fp < &xfile[nfile]; fp++)
  		if (fp->f_count)

--- 608,614 -----
  	nf = 0;
  	nfile = getw(nl[SNFILE].n_value);
  	xfile = (struct file *)calloc(nfile, sizeof (struct file));
! 	lseek(fc, (int)(afile = (struct file *)getw(nl[SFIL].n_value)), 0);
  	read(fc, xfile, nfile * sizeof (struct file));
  	for (fp=xfile; fp < &xfile[nfile]; fp++)
  		if (fp->f_count)
*** 660,666
  	swapmap = (struct map *)calloc(nswapmap, sizeof (struct map));
  	nswdev = getw(nl[SNSWDEV].n_value);
  	swdevt = (struct swdevt *)calloc(nswdev, sizeof (struct swdevt));
! 	klseek(fc, nl[SSWDEVT].n_value, L_SET);
  	read(fc, swdevt, nswdev * sizeof (struct swdevt));
  	klseek(fc, getw(nl[SPROC].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, proc, nproc * sizeof (struct proc));

--- 669,675 -----
  	swapmap = (struct map *)calloc(nswapmap, sizeof (struct map));
  	nswdev = getw(nl[SNSWDEV].n_value);
  	swdevt = (struct swdevt *)calloc(nswdev, sizeof (struct swdevt));
! 	lseek(fc, nl[SSWDEVT].n_value, L_SET);
  	read(fc, swdevt, nswdev * sizeof (struct swdevt));
  	lseek(fc, getw(nl[SPROC].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, proc, nproc * sizeof (struct proc));
*** 662,668
  	swdevt = (struct swdevt *)calloc(nswdev, sizeof (struct swdevt));
  	klseek(fc, nl[SSWDEVT].n_value, L_SET);
  	read(fc, swdevt, nswdev * sizeof (struct swdevt));
! 	klseek(fc, getw(nl[SPROC].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, proc, nproc * sizeof (struct proc));
  	klseek(fc, getw(nl[STEXT].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, xtext, ntext * sizeof (struct text));

--- 671,677 -----
  	swdevt = (struct swdevt *)calloc(nswdev, sizeof (struct swdevt));
  	lseek(fc, nl[SSWDEVT].n_value, L_SET);
  	read(fc, swdevt, nswdev * sizeof (struct swdevt));
! 	lseek(fc, getw(nl[SPROC].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, proc, nproc * sizeof (struct proc));
  	lseek(fc, getw(nl[STEXT].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, xtext, ntext * sizeof (struct text));
*** 664,670
  	read(fc, swdevt, nswdev * sizeof (struct swdevt));
  	klseek(fc, getw(nl[SPROC].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, proc, nproc * sizeof (struct proc));
! 	klseek(fc, getw(nl[STEXT].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, xtext, ntext * sizeof (struct text));
  	klseek(fc, getw(nl[SWAPMAP].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, swapmap, nswapmap * sizeof (struct map));

--- 673,679 -----
  	read(fc, swdevt, nswdev * sizeof (struct swdevt));
  	lseek(fc, getw(nl[SPROC].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, proc, nproc * sizeof (struct proc));
! 	lseek(fc, getw(nl[STEXT].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, xtext, ntext * sizeof (struct text));
  	lseek(fc, getw(nl[SWAPMAP].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, swapmap, nswapmap * sizeof (struct map));
*** 666,672
  	read(fc, proc, nproc * sizeof (struct proc));
  	klseek(fc, getw(nl[STEXT].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, xtext, ntext * sizeof (struct text));
! 	klseek(fc, getw(nl[SWAPMAP].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, swapmap, nswapmap * sizeof (struct map));
  	swapmap->m_name = "swap";
  	swapmap->m_limit = (struct mapent *)&swapmap[nswapmap];

--- 675,681 -----
  	read(fc, proc, nproc * sizeof (struct proc));
  	lseek(fc, getw(nl[STEXT].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, xtext, ntext * sizeof (struct text));
! 	lseek(fc, getw(nl[SWAPMAP].n_value), 0);
  	read(fc, swapmap, nswapmap * sizeof (struct map));
  	swapmap->m_name = "swap";
  	swapmap->m_limit = (struct mapent *)&swapmap[nswapmap];
*** 932,974
  	printf("bad rmfree\n");
- }
- /*
-  *  Stolen from ps asis.
-  */
- klseek(fd, loc, off)
- int fd;
- long loc;
- int off;
- {
- 	/*
- 	 *  If this is a dump, then the kernel isn't doing the page mapping
- 	 *  for us.  Simulate it.
- 	 */
- 	if (kflg && (loc & 0x80000000) != 0) {
- 		long v;
- 		long addr;
- 		struct pte pte;
- 		loc &= 0x7fffffff;
- 		v = btop(loc);
- 		if(v >= nl[X_SYSSIZE].n_value) {
- 			printf("address botch %x\n", loc);
- 			return;
- 		}
- 		addr = (long)((struct pte *)nl[X_SYSMAP].n_value + v);
- 		lseek(fd, addr&0x7fffffff, 0);
- 		if(read(fd, (char *)&pte, sizeof(pte)) != sizeof(pte)) {
- 			printf("Error reading kmem for pte at %x\n", addr);
- 			return;
- 		}
- 		if (pte.pg_v == 0 && (pte.pg_fod || pte.pg_pfnum == 0)) {
- 			printf("pte bad for %x\n", addr);
- 			return;
- 		}
- 		loc = (long)ptob(pte.pg_pfnum) + (loc & PGOFSET);
- 	}
- 	(void) lseek(fd, (long)loc, off);

--- 941,944 -----
  	printf("bad rmfree\n");