dbert@mole.ai.mit.edu (Douglas Siebert) (03/07/91)
Forgive me if this question has been posted before (I'm sure it has) but I'm fairly new to Usenet so I wasn't here to see the answer! :) Could someone please direct me to some good sources (w/prices would be best!) for hardware handshaking modem cables? My modem is never used in autoanswer mode, so the type of cable where the "ring indicator" (whatever the hell you call pin 22 in RS-232) is sacrificed would be ideal. Please respond with e-mail and I'll summarize if requested. -- ________________________________________________________________________ Doug Siebert dbert@albert.ai.mit.edu MBA Student (2nd year) The University of Iowa
NU163467@NDSUVM1.BITNET (Marshall Carroll) (03/20/91)
Hi. How would I hook up an Apple Personal LaserWriter NT to a MAC IIsi using Farallon phonenet connectors? (The more details, the better (-: ). Further, is data transfer faster or slower using this configuration than if I just used a Mac to ImageWriter II cable instead. Thank you for your assistance. Marsh Internet: NU163467@VM1.NODAK.EDU Bitnet: NU163467@NDSUVM1
sethcohn@alchemy.tcnet.ithaca.ny.us (seth cohn) (03/21/91)
NU163467@NDSUVM1.BITNET (Marshall Carroll) writes: > Hi. How would I hook up an Apple Personal LaserWriter NT to a > MAC IIsi using Farallon phonenet connectors? (The more details, > the better (-: ). Further, is data transfer faster or slower > using this configuration than if I just used a Mac to ImageWriter > II cable instead. Thank you for your assistance. Marsh > Internet: NU163467@VM1.NODAK.EDU > Bitnet: NU163467@NDSUVM1 simply put - NO difference when it's ONLY 2 nodes of phonenet vs the din8 (mac to imageII) cable use the cable, it's cheaper. unless you plan on adding anything else, then use the phonenet. Seth, Friendly Neighborhood service tech P.s. to Continue with the Handshaking QUESTION. (that WAS the subject) I've now been told by Hayes engineers that NO, you can't carrier detect and handshake. AND been told by Microphone (the software people) that YES, you could software route the carrier detect through pin 8, and read it that way, but nobody does. Seems to me that if it's possible, Let's DO IT. lots of pluses out there, and newer macs, just crying for a good software package that'll do it. Any takers? Seth Cohn, Service Tech. 607-273-2815 voice 607-272-7002 BBS All things posted are opinions by me, of me, for me, or to me. And another thing..........I'm not sure you're real.