rda@cogsci.ed.ac.uk (Robert Dale) (04/01/91)
I used to use Sketch under Interlisp-D on Xerox AI workstations. This was a great drawing package, particularly with respect to curve drawing. I believe it made use of cubic splines for curve drawing. I haven't yet come across a Mac drawing package that does curves like this ... anyone know of one? I find the curve drawing in, e.g., SuperPaint just too painful. R -- Robert Dale Phone: +44 31 650 4416 | University of Edinburgh Fax: +44 31 662 4912 | Centre for Cognitive Science ARPA: rda%cogsci.ed.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk | 2 Buccleuch Place JANET: rda@uk.ac.ed.cogsci or R.Dale@uk.ac.ed | Edinburgh EH8 9LW Scotland