[comp.sys.mac.wanted] C compilers needed URGENT

kinetix@zeus.unomaha.edu (04/18/91)

Well Folks...  I'm a little new to this Mac Programming bit...
I need a little help here...  Where can I get the MPW and C compiler 
or Think C?  Which is better anyway?  And... if known.. how much does
it cost?  Thankee all...  Please EMAIL as i dont get to news often!


INTERNET:   Kinetix@Zeus.UNOmaha.edu

   Andrew Wigodsky                   Kinetics \ke-'net-iks\ (n): 
    Westside High School                  the mechanism by which a physical 
     Omaha, NE  68124                      or chemical change is effected.

			(someday i'll figger it out.)