[comp.sys.mac.wanted] HELP! Personal Laserwriter NT Problem

lerman@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Steven P Lerman) (04/20/91)

HELP!!  Here's the problem.  Using the Laserwriter Utility off the
Mac Printing Tools Disk, I turned off the startup page on my 
Personal Laserwriter NT (3 days old).  The next time I tried to
turn on the printer, the motor hummed for a couple seconds and then
the paper out and paper jam started blinking alternately.  According
to the manual, this means the I/O board is blown.  Since this happened
just after toggling the startup page, I'm under the impression that
there is a software problem.  Following the advice of my friendly
local Computerland, I removed the I/O board and hit the internal
"test page" button.  It printed the page perfectly.  His next advice
was to order a new I/O board and wait a week for it to come in.
  My question is this.  Is there a way to wipe all of memory in the
NT?  Software solutions will not work because there is no way to
get the postscript codes to printer.  One would think that there would
be a hardware reset button somewhere in the thing.  If there is no
hardware reset, then does anyone know how long (if ever) it will take
for the memory to clear if the printer is left unplugged?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Steven Lerman                        BS: Bull....
e-mail: lerman@ecn.purdue.edu        MS: More ....
                                    PhD: Piled Higher and Deeper