[comp.sys.mac.wanted] Diamonds Game V1.5

rjacks@austlcm.sps.mot.com (rodney jacks/vlk9) (05/16/91)

Could someone please send me Diamonds V1.5 in 2-3 Binhex parts.
I have been attempting to download the game DIAMONDS-15 from the
Rice Listserver and for some reason never receive it.  I get the
following message:

>> $mac get game/diamonds-15.hqx
>File "GAME/DIAMONDS-15.HQX" should arrive as "MAC-ARCH F0011304", about
>*** Warning! This file may not fit through some mail gateways!
>Summary of resource utilization
> CPU time:        2.55 sec                 Device I/O:   267
> Overhead CPU:    0.65 sec                 Paging I/O:    73
> CPU model:       9121                     DASD model:  3380

All I can assume is that the file is indeed getting rejected by some

Thanks Alot,

**  Rodney Jacks                                         **
**  Motorola Inc, Austin, Texas                          **
**  E-mail:  rjacks@austlcm.sps.mot.com                  **
**  Time is just nature's way of keeping everything from **
**  happening all at once.                               **