[comp.sys.mac.apps] Red Ryder question

jlhaferman@l_eld09.icaen.uiowa.edu (Jeffrey Lawrence Haferman) (06/01/90)

My brother sold me his copy of Red Ryder 10.3, and I won't get the
manual from him until I visit in a few weeks.  I'm using a Mac SE.
Two questions:

 1) How can I map the arrow keys so that they will function correctly
    in Unix full screen programs?  (for the time being, I can use the
    H,J,K,L keys).

 2) When more than a screenful of output is generated it looks like
    Red Ryder tries to scroll it by generating control-S and control-Q.
    How can I shut this off?


Jeff Haferman                            internet: jlhaferman@icaen.uiowa.edu
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Iowa
Iowa City IA  52240