[net.bugs.4bsd] bug in C, Fortran 77, and Pascal compilers

solomon@crystal.ARPA (05/06/84)

Subject: Four-byte records can cause the pcc second pass to bomb
Index:    /usr/src/lib/mip/match.c 4.2BSD

    In some circumstances, the second (code-generation) pass of the portable C
    compiler cannot cope with a procedure call when an actual parameter is a
    record of length exactly 4 bytes.
    The problem is difficult to reproduce reliably.
    Try compiling the following program.
        struct {
            int a;
        } arr[3];
        main() {
            register i;
    During the course of compilation, /lib/ccom will reference an array
    with a subscript value that is too large.  The results are unpredictable;
    there may be an error message, a segmentation violation, or no error at all
    depending on the details of how /lib/ccom was compiled (e.g., whether the
    -O flag was specified).  However, you can catch it red-handed by putting
    in the appropriate subscript check.  For example:

    *** match.c.orig    Sat May  5 08:18:07 1984
    --- match.c    Fri May  4 13:08:34 1984
    *** 133,138
            STBREG    any temporary lvalue register
            mask = isbreg( p->tn.rval ) ? SBREG : SAREG;
            if( istreg( p->tn.rval ) && busy[p->tn.rval]<=1 ) mask |= mask==SAREG ? STAREG : STBREG;
            return( shape & mask );

    --- 133,143 -----
            STBREG    any temporary lvalue register
            mask = isbreg( p->tn.rval ) ? SBREG : SAREG;
    +       if (p->tn.rval >= REGSZ) {
    +           fprintf(stderr,"line %d, ridiculous register number 0x%x\n",
    +               lineno, p->tn.rval);
    +           fflush(stderr);
    +       }
            if( istreg( p->tn.rval ) && busy[p->tn.rval]<=1 ) mask |= mask==SAREG ? STAREG : STBREG;
            return( shape & mask );
    The problem is rather deep, and I'm not sure my fix is completely right,
    but here goes:  There problem seems to arise from lines 483-527
    of src/lib/pcc/order.c, especially line 494 (marked below):

        pasg = talloc();
        pasg->in.op = STASG;
        pasg->stn.stsize = size;
        pasg->stn.stalign = align;
        pasg->in.right = p;
        pasg->in.left = tcopy( ptemp );

        /* the following line is done only with the knowledge
        that it will be undone by the STASG node, with the
        offset (lval) field retained */

--->    if( p->in.op == OREG ) p->in.op = REG;  /* only for temporaries */

         order( pasg, FORARG );

    The temporary tree created in pasg has this format (printed using the
    debugging output routine eprint() in pcc/reader.c):

        561644) STASG size=4 align=4, undef, PREF r0, SU= 0
            561704) OREG (sp), undef, NOPREF, SU= 0
            561404) OREG _arr+12[r0], strty, NOPREF, SU= 2

    The marked line 494 changes the type of the right child from OREG to REG

        561644) STASG size=4 align=4, undef, PREF r0, SU= 0
            561704) OREG (sp), undef, NOPREF, SU= 0
            561404) REG r??, strty, NOPREF, SU= 2

    Now here's the rub:  In the VAX version of the pcc compiler, the rval
    fields of REG and OREG nodes are interpreted differently.  In the case
    of REG nodes, the field is simply a register number, while in the
    case of an OREG, it is may be three things packed together:  a base
    register, an index register, and a set of flags to tell whether the
    indexing mode is indirect, auto-increment, or auto-decrement.
    After line 494 munges this node, it passes the whole tree to order()
    to try to generate code for it, and eventually match() calls tshape()
    on the munged node to see if it matches a required shape.
    Poor tshape() thinks the node is a REG node, and so tries to interpret
    the rval field as a register number, thus giving the bogus index.
    (In fact, eprint() in reader.c would also bomb on this bogus node;
    I had to fix it to print "r??" in the above example.)

    Here's my tenative fix:  if the argument to tshape is a REG node with
    a packed rval field, and there is only one register specified (that is,
    there is an index register but not a displecement register--indicated
    by a value of 100 in the displacement register field), then use the
    index register in place of the rval field.  I don't know what to do
    if both an index AND a base are specified, and I've been unable to
    manufacture a case in which it happens, so I simply print an error
    message if it comes up.  Somebody with a better understanding of pcc
    wizzardry should look this over.

    By the way, a corresponding fix is required for /lib/f1, which is
    used by both the f77 and pc compilers (which is where I first found the

    The fix is to src/mip/match.c:

*** match.c.orig    Sun May  6 11:37:22 1984
--- match.c    Sun May  6 11:36:03 1984
*** 132,139
          SBREG    any lvalue (index) register
          STBREG    any temporary lvalue register
!         mask = isbreg( p->tn.rval ) ? SBREG : SAREG;
!         if( istreg( p->tn.rval ) && busy[p->tn.rval]<=1 ) mask |= mask==SAREG ? STAREG : STBREG;
          return( shape & mask );
      case OREG:

--- 132,146 -----
          SBREG    any lvalue (index) register
          STBREG    any temporary lvalue register
!         {
!             register reg = p->tn.rval;
!             if (R2TEST(reg)) {
!                 if (R2UPK1(reg)!=100) cerror("tshape: double index");
!                 reg = R2UPK2(reg);
!             }
!             mask = isbreg( reg ) ? SBREG : SAREG;
!             if( istreg( reg ) && busy[reg]<=1 ) mask |= mask==SAREG ? STAREG : STBREG;
!         }
          return( shape & mask );
      case OREG:
	Marvin Solomon
	Computer Sciences Department
	University of Wisconsin, Madison WI