(Robert Steffen) (08/09/90)
So, this is my question.. Which of these packages LaTex,OsTec, Quark Xpress, Pagemaker or Framemaker should I be using for text processing? Actually this should probably be broken down into several categories.. 1, We need a version of Tex (with the macros= textures?) at our facility - Ostec has been recommended to meet this need on the Mac.. How portable is this between Unix and the Mac? completely? just FTP? 2. We also need a desktop publishing package and I've been hearing that Quark Xpress is the way to go (over Pagemaker, which I happen to be familiar with), however, what is FrameMaker offering us? is it supposed to take the place of either of these two packages? 3. Should the Ostec/Latex people be using Frame on the Mac, or are they just two different beasts. There you have it, another case of my ignorance.. Thanks for any help, Bob Steffen (no .sig file!)