[comp.sys.mac.apps] Colour Graphs for Transparencies

phrje@warwick.ac.uk (Dr D McK Paul) (08/18/90)

phrje@cu.warwick.ac.uk                           Post: Department of Physics
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sticklen@cps.msu.edu (Jon Sticklen) (08/19/90)

From article <1990Aug18.164052.26658@warwick.ac.uk>, by phrje@warwick.ac.uk (Dr D McK Paul):


I'd like to ask a slightly generalized question. 

What hardware/software solutions are others using to produce
color overhead transparenices ON A BUDGET? Here are the attributes I would like

	- comparable resolution to a laser writer,
	- have a normal mac choser-selected driver (so i print transparently
	  to it - pun intended...)
	- print on either normal paper or normal transparencies
	  (ie not thermal paper/transparencies)
	- resonable color (ie not necessarily "true" color match
	  to the screen)
	- price definitely an issue. if i had the $15-20k for a color
	  postscript printer, then i wouldn't be posting this.

Thanks in advance. If I get any responses, I will summarize back
to the net.
