FlashsMom@cup.portal.com (NancyAnn none Sheridan) (09/09/90)
>If you're a heavy user of outlines - or think you'd like to be - >you need to take a lool at this.... Acta is *far* more solid (get used to crashes, misfeatures, and bad design if you use MindWrite; details on request), and not much less powerful. >very good introductory price ($40 seems familiar). Fair price, not good. You also get a T-shirt. >higher-powered version which contains numerous import filters for >converting from other Mac *AND IBM* WP programs. No, only for IBM. It won't even import MicroSoft RTF files, which is supposed to be the standard. It will, however, import MicroSoft Word files, very badly. To convert a WriteNow file, I had to convert it to RTF, then steal Word to convert the RTF, then open it in MindWrite, then discard Word. It wasn't worth the effort.--- 72540.1731@CompuServe.Com Flash@Dcjcon.Das.Net FlaSheridn on America OnLine FlashsMom@Cup.Portal.Com
ts@cup.portal.com (Tim W Smith) (09/10/90)
Acta Advantage gets kind of slow when you have 100 pages or so in your outline. Other than that, it's pretty cool. Tim Smith ps: yes, I know I was supposed to use a word processor for documents that big...