[comp.sys.mac.apps] StuffIt Deluxe Scripting Problem

scott@scotty (Scott Howard) (10/10/90)

I am writing a brief script to UnBinhex all Files
in a given folder, and unstuff them. I cannot for the
life of me get past the first line where I use wild
cards to tell StuffIt to munge all the .hqx files in the folder.

So what am I doing wrong in the following:

Decode BinHex "HD:BinHex Files:*.hqx" "HD:Stuffed Files:*.sit"

Anyone have any clues? I'd appreciate any help, even if its from
L.D.R. :-)

Send e-mail to scott@scotty.life.uiuc.edu if you think you 
know what's wrong, and I'll post whatever works so it might benefit others.