[comp.sys.mac.apps] looking for music typesetter

Matthew Brand <brand@mephisto.ils.nwu.edu> (10/19/90)

	I need some pointers for music typesetting software for the
	Macintosh (or Unix/X, if such exists).  I'm not interested in
	waveform synthesis, MIDI, or anything on the sound side of
	things aside from a simple playback for verification.  I just
	want a solid typesetter that I can enter notation into quickly,
	sweet and simple with one exception: I'll need a few extra
	symbols to mark some blues note bendings.  I'd like to be cheap
	about it, to the degree that something in the public domain
	just might make me happy.  And I'd like a decent laserprint,
	with lyrics & guitar markings.  Any recommendations?

	Followups to brand@ils.nwu.edu, since I don't read these
	groups.  Summaries in two weeks.

	much appreciated,
	matt brand