[comp.sys.mac.apps] MS Word 4.0b substitutes New York for Times

gross@umiami.miami.edu (JD144) (10/25/90)

Why oh why does MS Word 4.0b sometimes print out New York as Times like
it should, and other times, even with font substitution on, it prints
out the New York bitmapped font?

A guy came into our lab...last night he got Times.  Today he gets New York.
Same printer (LW IINTX), same software..heck, same machine even.  I checked
Word out.  Even replaced it with a fresh copy.  Now all he gets is New York,
and like I said, even with the font substitution on.

What gives...this isn't the first time this has happened.

Jason Gross     Comp Sci Ugrad     University of Miami     Class of '91 (?)
Hey, wanna save the world? | Got sumtin' to say?        gross@umiami.bitnet
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              - Anonymous  |                     jgross@umbio.med.miami.edu
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