/* ---------- "MS Excel font changing" ---------- */ Is it possible in version 2.2 of MS Excel to change the formula bar font? Need to use the same customized font in the formula bar as the cells so the bar won't show some of the custome characters as garbage.. I would suggest putting your custom font into Excel and giving it the same resource id as Geneva 12 (or does it use 9 or 10? Whatever). This should cause it to use the custom one instead. Use Font/DA Mover to install it. Just press option while clicking 'open' to allow Excel to show up in the SFGetFile dialog. Hope this works, Mark Lanett (10/26/90)
Change string Geneva12 in one of the Excel resources (dont remember which) to something like Cretin12 after which Excel will use current application font that you can change at will with AppFont cdev. J.G.