L98CC@CUNYVM (11/14/90)
Hello? I have some raw music samples and I would like to listen to it. But first, I have to put some header info on the file, so that playing program knows how to play it.( That's what I heard anyway. ) Can someone tell me the structure ofsuch header?Oh, I will have to do the dirty job on my amiga, since I do not normaly have an access to a mac. So I need bit by bit info. Second I need a play program to play the sample. Since I will need it only a few times I like to get a pd or shareware. What's availiable? Wherecan I get it? ( some ftp site perhaps... ) Anyone willing to mail me a copy? Of course, I will pay for the postage and cost of disks. Thanks for any help. ------- From Internet : if your site has a dumb mailer try | for a smart mailer try SH941727%CCNYVME.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU | SH941727@CCNYVME.BITNET Today's Quote : 9 Lives tastes better than Dinty Moore's Beef Stew.