m_bortz@zoot.avgrp.cr.rok.com (Mark Bortz) (02/11/91)
I'm looking for recomendations on software to do 'automated' report generation. I only need simple database functionality, simple sorts and finds. Or alternatively it could import data to the report from disk. The ability to do calculations on the data in the report is *VERY* desirable. I've already tried Filemaker II (& pro) but it isn't suited for making the reports I need, here's a sample of what I need. Report Header Stuff ------------------------------------------- text num cnum num cnum num cnum text num cnum num cnum num cnum . . . ------------------------------------------- Summary Area of data above and data below (averages of num collumns). ------------------------------------------- text num cnum num cnum num cnum <-- this is broken out of the ------------------------------------------- body above to highlight Comparison of data line above to it from the other data. the summary area ------------------------------------------- Problems generating the above: - The data elements (num) for a row each come from different records. (each column pair (num cnum) represents a year...) - Each cnum column is a ranking of the data (num) in the previous column. Filemaker just doesn't work well if you need to do calculations across report parts (the summary and comparison areas above, and the ranking). A relational database might work (they seem to be able to access multiple records easier) but I have not had any experience with any of these packages (and I don't have access to any to just try it out). I have looked at claris Smartforms Designer it can make the report format and perform all of the calculations except that it only accepts data from the keyboard, no file import. They seem to target this package as a front end to a database as they let you export the data that is entered. Well enough rambling... Anyone out there have any suggestions??? Post or Email replies, I'll summarize if there's any interest. ----- Mark Bortz m_bortz@zoot.avgrp.cr.rok.com -- _ _ _ ' ) ) ) / / / / _ _ /_ / ' (_</_/|_/ <