[comp.sys.mac.apps] need help connecting Mac to Sun over Telnet

dmanning@ecs.umass.edu (02/19/91)

My neighbor and I are trying to connect our computers.  Neither of 
us are connected to any other computers.  No mainframes are involved 
with this.  The network is as follows:

The object is:  I want to run Unix from my Macintosh.

The problem is: I can't get TelNet to run.

How we are connected:

on Ethernet
Sun Sparc Workstation	->	Gaterbox
600 Mb Drive			Ethernet -> AppleTalk
Sanchar		Ali

on AppleTalk

Mac Plus	Mac Plus	Imagewriter II	Deskwriter	my SE/30
80 Mb Drive	no drive	w/ AppleTalk	w/ AppleTalk	150 Mb drive

I am running Tops and CAN connect to the 600 Mb drive over that.  
The Sun is also running Tops.  Everyone can print, and we can all 
share files.  (The Sun can not print on the HP Deskwriter, though.)  

I am trying to connect to the Sun to run Unix via TelNet.  I 
downloaded version 2.3 from a BBS, but cannot get it configured.  I 
am unceartain on how to configure TelNet and its config file.  When 
I Open a Connection, what do I type?  When I configure it, which IP 
number do I put in the box?  Which is the default host?  Sanchar?  
Also, I have tried to set up the TelNet config file, but with no 

Is there someone in NEWS that has any ideas?  Below is my TelNet 
config file as it stands now.  I am too frustrated to play with it 
anymore, but I would like to be able to start running Unix from my 
Macintosh.  (I do not always have access to the Sun.)

Thank you in advance.  Thanks, also, to the people who have already 
tried helping, but didn't have all of the information.  My only 
response so far from TelNet has been: Can't find Host!  

Thanks in advance!

David M. Manning

#  Example host file for Telnet 2.2
#  "funny, this configuration file is readable ..."
#  This file is free form
#  Separators are any char <33 and :;=
#  The form is keyword=value for each parameter.
#  The first set of parameters refer to the whole program's 
#  These parameter values can be in any order.
#  Following this are the individual machine specs.
#  If the first machine is name "default", then it contains default
#  values for the rest of the machines.
hardware=AppleTalk	# Network connection type:
				#    values are: AppleTalk, Ether,
				#     Ether<n>, EtherSE, EtherSC
#zone="Zone"			# Which zone is the box in? (AT only)
ftp=yes				# do you want ftp enabled?
#domain="cs.umass.edu"		# default domain for name lookups
arptime=5			# arp timeout in seconds
				#    affects machines on your local 
#passfile="HD20:Telnet:ftppass"	# name of file to find FTP 
passwords in

#  Following are individual machine specifications
#  Gateways are used in order that they appear in the file
#  Nameservers rotate, #1, #2, #3, #1, #2 when a request fails
#  The machine named "default" contains the fields which are 
#  filled in for other hosts.  name=default machine should appear 
name = default			# Session name, "default" is a 
reserved name
				#   Not a real machine, default parameters 
#host=sri-nic.arpa 		# Actual host name of machine, not session 
#hostip=		# IP address of host, example is for SRI-
gateway=1			# This machine is a gateway for me
#nameserver=1			# This machine has a DOMAIN name 
server for me
scrollback=100			# number of lines of scrollback per 
erase=delete			# use delete code or backspace code for <- 
				#   legal values are "delete" and 
vtwrap=yes			# should VT100 be in wrap mode or not?
nfcolor="{0,0,0}"		# normal, foreground (Mac II)
nbcolor="{65535,65535,65535}"	# normal, background (Mac II)
bfcolor="{0,0,0}"		# blink, foreground (Mac II)
bbcolor="{65535,65535,65535}"	# blink, background (Mac II)
#crmap=4.3BSDCRNUL		# map of the CR key for compatibility
#duplex=half			# modifier for non-echo mode, forces send
clearsave=yes			# save lines on clear screen yes/no
#  The following entries affect the tuning of TCP connections to 
this host.
#  They should be set by the network administrator who is familiar 
#    the requirements of your specific network.
contime=10			# timeout in seconds to try connection
retrans=30			# starting retransmit time out in ticks
				#   1/60ths of sec 
mtu=512				# maximum transmit unit in bytes
				#   AppleTalk MAX = 512
				#   outgoing packet size, ET MAX=1024
maxseg=512			# largest segment we can receive
				#   AppleTalk MAX = 512
				#   whatever the hardware can take, ET 
rwin=512			#   TCP window size, MAX=4096
#  Below this line, most of the communication parameters are 
#   from the "default" host entry.
#  Machine names, IP addresses, and special communication parameters 
#   present when needed.  

#name=mynameserver ; hostip= ; nameserver=1 
#name=mygateway ; hostip= ; gateway=1
name=ali	hostip=	gateway=1 nameserver=1

#   This table was generated on Thu Jun 23 14:57:12 1989
name=sanchar	hostip=