[net.bugs.4bsd] line eater bug in 4.2 news distribution?

north@down.FUN (/*NOTREACHED*/) (08/10/84)

is there any truth to the rumor that the copy of netnoise distributed
with 4.2 BSD is an old version, having the infamous """"line eater""""
bug?  this is NOT a joke.  i heard it from astrovax!wls who debugs DMA
device drivers with his bare teeth.  there seems to be a corollary of
the north/honey ("netnews is a slow-moving parody of itself") thesis
applying to 4.2bsd, but that is left, as they say, as an exercise for
the student.


mark@cbosgd.UUCP (Mark Horton) (08/11/84)

Yes, it's true.  The line eater bug was in 2.10.1, which is
the version on 4.2BSD.  In fact, the bug was only discovered
after 4.2BSD was frozen.

2.10.1 is still the most recent version of netnews to be
distributed.  However, 2.10.2 is almost ready to go out.
It has the line eater bug fixed plus lots of other important
fixes to problems that have been found over the past year.


chris@byucsa.UUCP (Chris J. Grevstad) (08/12/84)

And when will 2.10.2 be?

Chris Grevstad

You see what you want to see...
You hear what you want to hear...

fair@dual.UUCP (Erik E. Fair) (08/14/84)

Look at it this way: what better way for 4.2 BSD to eat its own bug reports?

	Erik E. Fair	ucbvax!fair	fair@ucb-arpa.ARPA

	Dual Systems Corporation, Berkeley, California