(Anthony Rich) (03/08/91)
I use OmniPage for OCR work. Occasionally I want to sharpen a scanned page of text using an image-processing program to make the text clear enough to be accurately recognized. There are lots of good image editing programs, but I can't find one that writes the flavor of 1-bit TIFF file format that OmniPage imports. OmniPage is VERY picky about the kind of 1-bit TIFF format it will import! The closest I've come is Digital Darkroom 1.1, which has a 1-bit TIFF export option. But when you select that option, it asks what kind of "focus" and "brightness" you want to use before it does the save. (Why does it ask that? Presumably you just edited the image to your satisfaction!) Then it takes about 10 minutes (!) to save the image. (What's it doing?!) If the exported image is accepted by OmniPage (sometimes OmniPage rejects it), it usually looks terrible and OmniPage can't recognize *anything* on it, even though it looked really good in Digital Darkroom before the save. Are there any OmniPage users out there who touch up scanned images, then import them into OmniPage successfully? If so, what works? Is there a conversion program that can convert some other format (PICT, PICT2, multi-bit TIFF, whatever) into the *extremely* picky flavor of 1-bit TIFF that OmniPage accepts? I sure wish OmniPage could import at least ONE other file format! It *should*, for the price Caere charges! :^( -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | EMAIL: | The essence of learning is | | Disclaimer: I speak only for myself. | repetition, repetition! | -----------------------------------------------------------------------