[comp.sys.mac.apps] Wanted: Laser Font organizer

triantos@acsu.buffalo.edu (nick b triantos) (03/10/91)

I wanted to know if anyone knows of a program somewhere out there that allows
you to put all of your laser fonts into a folder (within the System Folder,
perhaps), so that the System Folder doesn't get so cluttered with them.  It
seems like such a program would be useful, and easy to make, since it would
probably only have to tell the LaserWriter driver and maybe ATM that the fonts
have moved.

Nick Triantos

  __         |    _____                   |             "Narrowmindedness is
 /  \  o  _  |/  /  |  \  _  o  __   __  -+-  __   ___   being able to see
|    | | /   |\     |    / \ | /  | /  \  |  /  \ (___   through a keyhole with
\    / | \_  | \    |    |   | \_/| |  |  \_ \__/  ___)  both eyes."

peirce@outpost.UUCP (Michael Peirce) (03/10/91)

In article <64265@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU>, triantos@acsu.buffalo.edu (nick b triantos) writes:
> Hi.
> I wanted to know if anyone knows of a program somewhere out there that allows
> you to put all of your laser fonts into a folder (within the System Folder,
> perhaps), so that the System Folder doesn't get so cluttered with them.  It
> seems like such a program would be useful, and easy to make, since it would
> probably only have to tell the LaserWriter driver and maybe ATM that the fonts
> have moved.

Suitcase II will do this.  I keep all my font files in a FONT folder
in my System Folder.  As long as I have Suitcase looking in that folder,
ATM, as well as the system, looks in there.

And yes, it keeps my System Folder *a lot* less cluttered.

-- michael

--  Michael Peirce         --   outpost!peirce@claris.com
--  Peirce Software        --   Suite 301, 719 Hibiscus Place
--  Macintosh Programming  --   San Jose, California 95117
--           & Consulting  --   (408) 244-6554, AppleLink: PEIRCE

mazu@terre (Marc Mazuhelli) (03/12/91)

In article <64265@eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU> triantos@acsu.buffalo.edu (nick b triantos) writes:
>I wanted to know if anyone knows of a program somewhere out there that allows
>you to put all of your laser fonts into a folder (within the System Folder,
>perhaps), so that the System Folder doesn't get so cluttered with them.  It
>seems like such a program would be useful, and easy to make, since it would
>probably only have to tell the LaserWriter driver and maybe ATM that the fonts
>have moved.
>Nick Triantos

Just a note to tell Nick and everybody else that Master Juggler does
this very well!  Postscript files can be put in any folder where at
least one font/DA file is open.  I own both Master Juggler and ATM,
and I just put the bitmap suitcase file in the same folder as the
PostScript outlines, make sure the font suitcase is opened vith Master
Juggler and that's it!  ATM and the LaserWriter driver find the needed
outlines.  I use LaserWriters at work but also have a DeskWriter at
home, and it works beautifully also!

I don't know if Suitcase does this or not, as I have never used it.

{  Marc Mazuhelli                   |  professeur                  }
{  internet: mazu@dmi.USherb.CA     |  Departement de math-info.   }
{  <this space intentionaly ...     |  Universite de Sherbrooke    }
{                   ... left blank> |  Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada  }

markc@pro-angmar.UUCP (Mark Crump) (03/12/91)

In-Reply-To: message from triantos@acsu.buffalo.edu

Although you cant get all the printer fonts in the same folder exclusive of
the System Folder, you can use Suitcase II to show the printer where it is.
        1st you create a folder called "Fonts"
        Then inside this folder you create your "sub folders"
        Now if you have a font, take for example, Tekton,  create a folder
named tekton in fonts, and put both your screen and printers fonts in it. 
Know when you open the screen fonts with Suitcase, it tells ATM and the
printer where the printer fonts are
ProLine:  markc@pro-angmar
Internet: pro-angmar!markc@alfalfa.com
UUCP:     uunet!alfalfa!pro-angmar!markc

oberst@rumah.UUCP (Daniel J. Oberst) (03/15/91)

> I don't know if Suitcase does this or not, as I have never used it.
> -- 
> {  Marc Mazuhelli                   |  professeur                  }

Suitcase works just fine, and you can even put the bitmap & ps fonts
on a server where they won't clutter up your disk.  When you need
the fonts for an application, use suitcase to access them, then run
the app.  Suitcase lets several users access them if you use its "shared"

Dan Oberst
Cikgu Din di rumah ku.
'Dok buat guapa, Mat Salleh?