[comp.sys.mac.apps] HD Backup Programs

mig7920@cec1.wustl.edu (Mark Israel Gross) (03/27/91)

Can anyone suggest a good HD Backup program.  I am interested in one that
optimizes speed and compression.  It took an hour to back up my 40 M drive
in an SE/30 with 5 Meg last night using Sum II.  This is inadequate
as I back up a 40 M drive in a 6 Mhz AT in ~12 minutes.  I'd hate to
venture how long Sum II will take on the 105 M drive which I am probably
going to purchase.  Incremental backups are fine for day to day changes
but once every week or so I prefer to have a full backup copy.  No need
to waste net bandwidth just E-mail me direct and if there is adequate
interest I'll post a summary.

Mark Gross