[comp.sys.mac.apps] Looking for an app that.....................

mtucker@jobs.mso.colostate.edu (Michael R. Tucker) (04/03/91)

Hi Netland,
    I work at a mac lab on th CSU campus, and we have a recurring
problem that there might be a solution for.  We have unexperienced
and/or vindictive people that come into the lab and accidently or
otherwise delete applications and folders. Sometimes they are not
deleted, only moved around and scrambled.  Is there an init,cdev,app
that will prevent unwanted deletions AND keep things unscrambled?  Can
we partition the HD to be read-only so the users can see and use the
software, but not monkey with it? How do other labs deal with this
problem, any ideas?
           -Thanks in Advance
|           Mike Tucker                |   " Great Spirits have always     | 
|  mtucker@greyrock.mso.colostate.edu  |   encountered violent opposition  | 
|     mtucker@lamar.colostate.edu      |       from mediocre minds."       | 
|       *opinions are my own*          |           - A. Einstein           |