bllklly@uwmacc.UUCP (09/12/84)
We use the standard 4.2 Mail program. There seems to be a bug in the
reply command. Suppose you are replying to a message from
sitea!siteb!sitec!fred. Mail puts everyone on the "To:" list in fred's
message into the reply list, then tries to delete you from it, thus sending
copies to everyone who got fred's message. Two related problems: it
prepends a bad path to your name, e.g. sitea!siteb!sitec!yoursite!yourname.
Unfortunately, yoursite is connected to sitea, and not to sitec. Then it
also does not recognize you as the sender, and so doesn't delete you from
the reply list. The offending code is in cmd3.c:
int *msgvec;
if (replyto != NOSTR)
strcpy(buf, replyto);
else {
cp = skin(hfield("to", mp));
if (cp != NOSTR)
You get added to the list here:
strcpy(buf, cp);
np = elide(extract(buf, GTO));
/* rcv = rename(rcv); */
This prepends the bad path:
mapf(np, rcv);
* Delete my name from the reply list,
* and with it, all my alternate names.
This should delete you from the reply list, doesn't:
np = delname(np, myname, icequal);
I'm sure someone has fixed this problem, but we haven't been on the net
long enough to have seen it. Thanks in advance.
Bill Kelly
{allegra, ihnp4, seismo}!uwvax!uwmacc!bllklly
1210 West Dayton St/U Wisconsin Madison/Mad WI 53706