[comp.sys.mac.apps] ResEdit Icons

dave@PRC.Unisys.COM (David Lee Matuszek) (04/29/91)

I use SunDesk to colorize my icons.  SunDesk looks at each ICN# as it
is drawn, and if it is bit-by-bit identical to one that it knows
about, it substitutes the corresponding icl8.  Even a single pixel
difference stops it from substituting for that ICN#.

I created an icl8 for ResEdit 2.1 when I first got it.  Subsequently I
got another copy of ResEdit 2.1 (from the book by Alley and Strange).
SunDesk does not colorize the icon for this one.  I have not yet done
a pixel-by-pixel comparision of the two ICN#s, but it seems highly
likely that the icon is different in some subtle way.

Has anyone else noticed this?  Does anyone have any idea why this
might have been done?  (I am reminded of marked money, but as far as I
can see there is nothing to be gained by marking icons.)

-- Dave Matuszek (dave@prc.unisys.com)  I don't speak for my employer. --
|   When I was young, my family bought a color TV.  Our neigbors, who   |
| were poorer, had only a black-and-white set.  They bought a piece of  |
| cellophane, red on top, yellow in the middle, and blue on the bottom, |
| and taped it over their screen, so they could claim that they had a   |
| color TV, too.                                                        |
|   Now there's Windows 3.0.                                            |