(Jim Debonis (SVER)) (05/24/91)
I am getting a Mac IIci for my office and would appreciate some help in selecting some software. I have no real experience with a Mac and am unfamiliar with the available software packages. I will use the machine primarily for plotting data, writing techincal reports and creating viewgraphs. Also, it will be used as a front end to our mainframes. For better or worse, Wordperfect is the Wordprocessor used at the center. I would appreciate any recomendations for the following Spreadsheet: nothing fancy, just something to do quick manipulation of data Plotting package: Something to make nice graphics for publications and viewgraphs, curve fitting is needed Drawing program: This would be used primarily for making viewgraphs, combining text, graphs etc. Math Eqns: A package to generate eqns. for reports. Misc. stuff: Screensaver, are there any with password protection? Any help is appreciated. I'll summarize if there is interest. Thank you Jim DeBonis Don't sell the bike shop Orville! --Calvin & Hobbes NASA Lewis Research Center