Rick_McCormack@mindlink.bc.ca (Rick McCormack) (05/26/91)
The WORD manual sez that the Cmd-[-] and Cmd-[+] create sub and superscripts based on the normal style, using a font 1 size lower than the font in effect before you used the command (Warning! Tangled syntax!), AND that this applies only to TEXT THAT IS NOT ALREADY in the sub or super-script format. Reading between the (closely leaded) lines, I would say that the regular imported text is taking its new size from the new documents style "normal", and the subscripts are retaining their original font size because that is a "character style" imposed on them in the original document. I can think of a few work arounds: if you want the imported text in its original 12+10 format, create a new style in the document to which you are importing and "make it so!" OR if you want the imported text at 14+12, save the desired text into a temporarty file as text with no line breaks and give it the "plain for text" styling, then import it into the document and use Cmd-[-] on the appropriate subscrip items. MAYBE some combination of the two above approaches will work more efficiently, BUT I am pretty sure that the simplest approach, which is to go to each existing subscript in the imported text and using the Cmd-[-] will NOT bring the EXISTING subscripts to 12pt -- altho' you could try the Cmd-shift-[>] (larger font size command) on the hi-lited subscripts QUESTION: When are we gonna get either (a) the ability to hilite several discontiguous blocks and change them with one command, or (b) an ability like Word Perfects to searchAndReplace on ANY character, paragraph or document style???? C'mon MickeySoft -- get with the program -- ANY PROGRAM! -- _________________________________________________________ | IMAGISTICS Business Theatre Technology | Rick McCormack | | Interactive Effective Compelling | Vancouver, BC | |________________________________________|________________| | UseNet: Rick_McCormack@mindlink.uucp | A O-L: Rique | |_________________________________________________________| .
hey@leland.Stanford.EDU (Heyward Robinson) (05/27/91)
I have run into a most annoying problem with Word. I have some text from a document that I want to paste into another document. The text is in 12 point times, and has subscripts and superscripts in 10 point times. The document that I want to paste into is in 14 point times. The "normal style" for this document is also 14 point times. When I paste in the text, it comes in as 14 point times, but the subscripts and superscripts stay at 10 point. The clipboard shows the text as it was in the document being copied from(12 pt text, 10 pt superscripts). If I paste into a new document, it is fine (12 and 10 again). If I select all text and use Words handy Cmd-Shift-> command to increase the font size to the next higher size, I get the desired result (14 and 12). But now if I copy this text and paste it into my document, it becomes 18 point text and 12 point superscripts! What is going on. I checked the manual and it points out that Word uses RTF(rich text format) to store formating in the clipboard. Is there a bug with RTF? I realize that I could work around my problem by going ahead and pasting the text, incorrect sized superscripts and all, and then saving the entire document as an RTF file, then doing a global change on the incorrectly sized fonts. But what a pain! Thanks for any insights on this. Heyward Robinson