[comp.sys.mac.apps] Pagemaker 4.0 and word spacing

kgustilo@pennsy.med.jhu.edu (06/08/91)


I have a problem using PM4.0 with the courier and symbol fonts. When they are
on the same line I sometimes get weird spacing between the two. eg
a(alpha)-interferon. The a in symbol font would either go left or right and
sometimes even overlap its neighbor. There is no pattern I can discern when the
program decides to do this.

I am using the following settings in the paragraph menu
Word space        Letter space
min 105           min 2
des 105           des 2
max 150           max 10

Pair kerning >12   Lead proportional

Font size is 12 pt courier and symbol
width is normal
no tracking
Aligned left

I also have a problem with some words that are partially undelined eg
(H2)dl1004. The H2 is undelined, the rest not. The H2 would be shifted left in
some cases and not in others. I can not find a pattern to the shifting either.

I can do manual kerning on this but as the document is rather long I would
prefer not to. The really annoying thing about this is that it does not show up
on the screen when the letters decide to overlap!! I have to print out a page,
make an adjustment, see if it worked, print the page again, make another
adjustment. You get the idea.

The text was imported from MS Word 4.00A for the mac, I am using ATM 1.01, and
have used both the Aldus and Apple print drivers. I am printing to a LW+

Sorry for the long post but I am getting desperate. All help would be greatly