[comp.sys.mac.apps] Excel date fomat. Help.

thomas@uts-phys.phys.uts.EDU.AU (Thomas Brodhurst-Hill) (06/05/91)


I'm using Excel 2.2a with system 6.07 (international:Australian).

My problem is best illustrated by an example:

1)	Into a blank cell, I enter "Jun 5"
2)	Excel shows the date in the formula bar in American format: "6/5/91..."
3)	I then wish to change the date to the 4th so I enter the formula bar and select the 5 and type "4".
4)	Excel now changes the date to be "4/6/91..."
5)	Any subsequent editing of the date in the formula bar toggles it between Australian and American format. This is insane. Help!


rich@aoa.UUCP (Rich Snow) (06/06/91)

(Thomas Brodhurst-Hill) writes:
>I'm using Excel 2.2a with system 6.07 (international:Australian).
>My problem is best illustrated by an example:
>1)	Into a blank cell, I enter "Jun 5"
>2)	Excel shows the date in the formula bar in American format: "6/5/91..."
>3)	I then wish to change the date to the 4th so I enter the formula bar and select the 5 and type "4".
>4)	Excel now changes the date to be "4/6/91..."
>5)	Any subsequent editing of the date in the formula bar toggles it between Australian and American format. This is insane. Help!

I have the same problem with Excel 2.2 & System 6.05 here in the USA. 
When you set the number format of a cell to d/m/yy - as you edit the 
info in the formula bar, the changes are posted to the wrong item
in the cell (d>m, m>d).

A workaround...

First make sure you have full menus enabled. Look under options
-if it says "short menus" at the bottom, full menus are set OK. Now
while you're under "Options" select "Calculation". In the calculation 
dialog box if you turn off 1904 date system, the problem seems to go away.
Now it toggles date formats in the cell until you hit enter, 
but once you enter it the data is OK.

You still have the problem that the formula bar insists on using US
date format. But what you type goes to the correct spot in the cell.
Also any macros that depend on the 1904 date system will need to
be modified.

Can anyone try this out with Excel 3.0?

*	Rich Snow  AOA-----------------*
*       (617)864-0201
*	rich@aoa.utc.com   Disclaimer: Lack of Disclaimer.
*       aoa!rich@bbn.com

thomas@uts-phys.phys.uts.EDU.AU (Thomas Brodhurst-Hill) (06/13/91)

Thanx to the people who replied to my Excel Date format problem.

The most effective solution that I've been given appears below.

From peter@phadfa.ph.adfa.oz.au  Thu Jun  6 12:25:07 1991
Received: from sserve.cc.adfa.oz.au by uts-phys.phys.uts.EDU.AU (5.52/900605.SGI)
	(for thomas) id AA00691; Thu, 6 Jun 91 12:25:07 EST
Received: from phadfa.ph.adfa.oz.au by sserve.cc.adfa.oz.au (5.65b/1.34)
	id AA09612; Thu, 6 Jun 91 11:25:02 +1000
Received: by phadfa.ph.adfa.oz.au (5.65+/1.34)
	id AA26184; Thu, 6 Jun 91 11:24:58 +1000
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 91 11:24:58 +1000
From: peter@phadfa.ph.adfa.oz.au (Peter Lynam)
Message-Id: <9106060124.AA26184@phadfa.ph.adfa.oz.au>
To: thomas
Status: RO

I too had trouble with Excel dates and got some help from Peter Marks in Sydney.

I quote:

Excel looks for the INTL resource in your system file.  The interesting one
has ID 0. The selection of sorting order chosen with the control panel
device doesn't have any effect on this.

To fix the problem, open your "backed up" system file with ResEdit and edit
the INTL 0 resource, it lets you choose d/m/y and all the formattingfor
both short and long dates. Also change the language id number to 15.

If you don't want to hack with your system, you can create the INTL resource
in Excel itself, applications find resources in themselves before they look in 
the system. 

When you make the change, everything is fixed! Datesdon't switch to mm/dd/yy
when you press enter, and Format;number dialog has a number of nice default
formats for Australian dates in there.

I have hacked both my system and Excel as indicated above and am very pleased 
with the result. I run System 6.0.2 but suppose the hacking should work with
6.0.7. The other advantage is that &D in Page Setup now gives the date
automatically in Australian format.

Happy hacking,


Thanx again for your replies.

PS I started implimenting this change using Resedit 3, but it kept crashing when I changed the info of a resource. Resedit 1.3 worked fine.
