[comp.sys.mac.apps] Help with Foxbase Mac and MS Word needed

dcc@ccvr1.ncsu.edu (Daniel Carr) (06/18/91)


i'm trying to set up a database so that we don't have to use foxbase
mac's report generator.  i would like to use MS Word's Print Merge
feature, but i can't seem to get output from the database to be in a
file that Word expects (i.e. a line with the field names, separated by
tabs, and then each line being a record, with each field separated by
tabs. i can do one or the other, but not both in the same file.

if you know anyone doing this, please ask them to give me pointers.  i'm
about it give up.



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Daniel Carr       North Carolina State University 
                  "Wow Bob wow" -- Twin Peaks final episode  
internet e-mail:  daniel_carr@ncsu.edu
bitnet e-mail:    DANIEL@NCSUVM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Daniel Carr       North Carolina State University 
                  "Wow Bob wow" -- Twin Peaks final episode  
internet e-mail:  daniel_carr@ncsu.edu