[comp.lang.functional] Operating Systems in Miranda + other languages

sjt@ukc.ac.uk (S.J.Thompson) (07/11/90)

There has been much work on operating systems in functional langauges.

At the university of Kent the KAOS (Kent Applicative Operating System)
project has explored both new ideas, and has resulted in a working 
implementation of a small version of a Unix-like operating system.

Details of the basics to be found in

An approach to functional operating systems - D.A. Turner in (Turner D.A. (ed.)
	Research Topics in Functional Programming - Addison-Wesley - 1990)
	This is a revised version of Turner's 1987 paper in the PARLE 
	conference proceedings.

John Cupitt's Ph.D. thesis, University of Kent 1989, which explains the details
of the implementation of the system.

A useful general reference is a survey article by Simon B. Jones in the
Computer Journal, special edition on Functional Programming, which was 1989
(I think May).

Simon Thompson
