[comp.lang.functional] Looking for ML src for "4 Lectures in Standard ML"

carroll@udel.edu (Mark Carroll <MC>) (07/31/90)

First of all: I'd like to thank all of the folks who sent me code and/or
suggestions to aid my quest to successfully understand the basics of
functional programming. The code you sent me, and the sources you
referred me to were wonderful. 

Secondly: the recent chain of posts of the nature of bottom, etc., have
been extremely illuminating to this beginner. The quality of discussion
on this newsgroup seems to be miles about most of the others. I eagerly
anticipate the day when I can actual become a coherent part of these

Finally, the real reason for this post: several folks referred me to
"Four Lectures in Standard ML", by Mads Tofts. I sent for a copy, and
it's a wonderful little booklet. In Lecture 4, he makes use of several
files containing code for a parser to generate abstract syntax trees
for a dialect of SML. Unfortunately, the booklet does not include all of
this source code. I don't know if it's been distributed at all. If it has,
and anyone has it, could you please either tell me how to get a copy, or
mail it to me?

Thanks again,

|Mark Craig Carroll: <MC>  |"We the people want it straight for a change;
|Soon-to-be Grad Student at| cos we the people are getting tired of your games;
|University of Delaware    | If you insult us with cheap propaganda; 
|carroll@dewey.udel.edu    | We'll elect a precedent to a state of mind" -Fish