[comp.lang.functional] A question about types in ML

paula@SHUM.HUJI.AC.IL (Paula Ross) (11/10/90)

Is there any way in ML that you can create a data type which accepts
sequences of objects of different types (when the number and types of the
objects are not known in advance) ?
i.e. can you create a list type without the restriction that each element of
the list must be of the same type ?

fraser@bilby.cs.uwa.oz.au (Fraser Wilson) (11/12/90)

In <paula.658247771@shum> paula@SHUM.HUJI.AC.IL (Paula Ross) writes:

>Is there any way in ML that you can create a data type which accepts
>sequences of objects of different types (when the number and types of the
>objects are not known in advance) ?
>i.e. can you create a list type without the restriction that each element of
>the list must be of the same type ?

As far as I know you can only do this using a union type, which means
you have to know what types you will get.  I don't think it can be done
for an arbitary type.

Fraser Wilson			| Of all the knights in Appledore
fraser@bilby.cs.uwa.oz		| The bravest was Sir Thomas Tom
				| He multiplied as far as four
There can be only one!		| And knew what nine was taken from
	- CM			| To make eleven.  He could write
				| A letter to another knight.	- A.A Milne

nick@cs.edinburgh.ac.uk (Nick Rothwell) (11/12/90)

In article <paula.658247771@shum>, paula@SHUM.HUJI.AC.IL (Paula Ross) writes:
> Is there any way in ML that you can create a data type which accepts
> sequences of objects of different types (when the number and types of the
> objects are not known in advance) ?

When they *are* known in advance, then you can use a datatype as a variant
record (essentially):

   datatype Object = INTEGER of int
                   | STRING of string
                   | ...

If you don't know how many cases you need in advance, then ML is (in
theory) capable of expressing open-ended datatypes that you can add to.
This is currently only available for the built-in type "exn" (the type
of exceptions), so:

   exception A and B of int;
   val list = [A, B 4];
   exception C of string;
   val list = (C "Hello") :: list;

   (A is a constructor of type exn, B has type int -> exn).

But, since you have to introduce a new constructor for each new type you
wish to work with, you have to retain the constructor in order to take
a value apart for that type.

Nick Rothwell,	Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, Edinburgh.
		nick@lfcs.ed.ac.uk    <Atlantic Ocean>!mcsun!ukc!lfcs!nick
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
 "Now remember - and this is most important - you must think in Russian."

fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) (11/12/90)

>In <paula.658247771@shum> paula@SHUM.HUJI.AC.IL
(Paula Ross) writes:

>>		Is there any way in ML that you can create a data type
>>		which accepts sequences of objects of different types
>>		(when the number and types of the objects are not known
>>		in advance) ? i.e. can you create a list type without
>>		the restriction that each element of the list must be
>>		of the same type ?

In article <fraser.658398987@melomys> fraser@bilby.cs.uwa.oz.au
(Fraser Wilson) writes:
>	As far as I know you can only do this using a union type,
>	which means you have to know what types you will get.
>	I don't think it can be done for an arbitary type.

One might seek to create a union type which
contains within it _all_ possible types
(i.e. as the solution to a recursive type equation).
Unfortunately this violates the requirement
that all type signatures be finite constructions
from the primitive types.

The problem is that typechecking (and type inference)
in the typed lambda calculus is not generally decidable.
To make typechecking decidable, we impose a restriction
on type signatures, such as the one above.
Because such restrictions handcuff the programmer,
one line of reseach seeks to develop restrictions
for decidablilty which maximize polymorphism.

Because compromise between flexibility and safety
will always involve a trade-off, I believe that
untyped functional languages (e.g. those in the LISP/Scheme style)
will never become completely obsolete.

	Frank Silbermann	fs@cs.tulane.edu
	Tulane University	New Orleans, Louisianna  USA

suarez@prl.dec.com (Ascander Suarez) (11/13/90)

In article <4906@rex.cs.tulane.edu>, fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank
Silbermann) writes:
|> ...
|> One might seek to create a union type which
|> contains within it _all_ possible types
|> (i.e. as the solution to a recursive type equation).
|> Unfortunately this violates the requirement
|> that all type signatures be finite constructions
|> from the primitive types.

Although not in the standard, some versions of ML features the dynamic
type. This type can be used to implement heterogeneous lists of
values whose types are encapsulated as dynamics.

A dynamic value can be seen as a pair (value, type of the value);
ex (in caml V2-6):

#let x = dynamic 3 and f = dynamic (fun x -> x);;
Value x = (dynamic (3 : num)) : dyn
Value f = (dynamic (<fun> : ('a -> 'a))) : dyn

#let list = [f;x];;
Value list = [(dynamic (<fun> : ('a -> 'a))); (dynamic (3 : num))] :
      dyn list

#let classifyDyn = function
#      dynamic (b:bool) -> "bool"
#    | dynamic (n:num) -> "num"
#    | dynamic (l:'a list) -> "list"
#    | dynamic (f:'a ->'a) -> "id"
#    | _ -> "??";;
Value classifyDyn = <fun> : (dyn -> string)

#map classifyDyn list;;
["id"; "num"] : string list

Of course there is one restriction related to the use of the dynamic
constructor: It can't be used in local expressions to encapsulate
a value whose type depends on the environment:


#let g x = dynamic x;;

line 1: cannot generalize type 'a of variable x 
for dynamic expression: dynamic x
1 error in typechecking

Typecheck Failed

- Ascander Suarez

chl@cs.man.ac.uk (Charles Lindsey) (11/13/90)

In <4906@rex.cs.tulane.edu> fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:

>One might seek to create a union type which
>contains within it _all_ possible types
>(i.e. as the solution to a recursive type equation).
>Unfortunately this violates the requirement
>that all type signatures be finite constructions
>from the primitive types.

>The problem is that typechecking (and type inference)
>in the typed lambda calculus is not generally decidable.
>To make typechecking decidable, we impose a restriction
>on type signatures, such as the one above.

Please could you explain this more fully?

I.e. can you show us an example of a recursive type equation
that would cause problems in typechecking, together
with the precise restriction that would cause it
to be disallowed?

fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) (11/14/90)

>>One might seek to create a union type which
>>contains within it _all_ possible types
>>(i.e. as the solution to a recursive type equation).
>>Unfortunately this violates the requirement
>>that all type signatures be finite constructions
>>from the primitive types.
>>The problem is that typechecking (and type inference)
>>in the typed lambda calculus is not generally decidable.
>>To make typechecking decidable, we impose a restriction
>>on type signatures, such as the one above.

In article <chl.658489695@m1> chl@cs.man.ac.uk (Charles Lindsey) writes:
>	Please could you explain this more fully?
>	I.e. can you show us an example of a recursive type equation
>	that would cause problems in typechecking, together
>	with the precise restriction that would cause it
>	to be disallowed?

I am not sure exactly how to answer your question,
but since I am not expert on this subject.
However, I've gathered these relevant statements
from varied readings.

A) General typechecking is said to be undecidable.

B) In programming languages based on Church's typed lambda calculus,
   typechecking _is_ decidable.  Therefore, if A) is true,
   these languages must impose some restriction to accomodate typechecking.

C) I've never seen a programming language
   based on typed lambda calculus whose typechecking system
   permits the user to define a fixpoint combinator
   out of more primitive elements.  The type signature
   of the necessary lambda expression cannot be written
   as a finite combination of the primitive types
   (so Y-combinators must be added as primitives).

D) Church's typed lambda calculus subsumes the
   pure untyped lambda calculus as a special case.

E) In the pure, untyped lambda calculus
   it _is_ possible to define a fixpoint combinator.

Therefore, I conclude that typed languages (such as ML)
must not permit the kind of type-unions necessary
for definition of self-applicative functions.

	Frank Silbermann	fs@cs.tulane.edu
	Tulane University	New Orleans, Louisianna  USA

wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de (Wolfgang Grieskamp) (11/16/90)

fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:

  >Because compromise between flexibility and safety
  >will always involve a trade-off, I believe that
  >untyped functional languages (e.g. those in the LISP/Scheme style)
  >will never become completely obsolete.

There is no meaningful expression which has no type. In the 
case of lists consisting of values of different type, functions 
must exist defined over all instances of the "untyped" list in a 
given program to give meaning to the list. Thus the values of the 
list must have some common property (a type). In the very rare case, 
this property is to be just an object; in most other cases, the 
property will be much more specific: e.g. to be a number,
a (graphic) view, etc.

  >Because such restrictions [on signatures] handcuff the programmer,
  >one line of reseach seeks to develop restrictions
  >for decidablilty which maximize polymorphism.

Yes. The pragmatic problem for the design of a strongly-typed language 
maximizing polymorphism (regarding to ML polymorphism) is that its 
much harder for a programmer to keep track of sophisticated decidability 
restrictions then of (in a way) "syntacticly" expressable restrictions 
like non-recursive signatures. And the type-checker must handle 
undecidable problems, e.g. must avoid its own non-termination, still 
giving comfortable error reports.

Wolfgang Grieskamp 
wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de tub!tubopal!wg wg%opal@DB0TUI11.BITNET

fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) (11/16/90)

>>		Because compromise between flexibility and safety
>>		will always involve a trade-off, I believe that
>>		untyped functional languages (e.g. those in the
>>		LISP/Scheme style) will never become completely obsolete.

In article <2215@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de> wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de writes:
>Wolfgang Grieskamp 
>	There is no meaningful expression which has no type.
>	In the case of lists consisting of values of different type,
>	functions must exist defined over all instances
>	of the "untyped" list in a given program to give meaning to the list.
>	Thus the values of the list must have some common property (a type).
>	In the very rare case, this property is to be just an object ... 

If you remove the imperative features from the core of Common Lisp,
and remove the features which allow function definitions
to be disassembled as lists, what remains _can_ be viewed
as a functional language in which all expressions
denote elements of the recursive domain

	D = (Atoms + Booleans + DxD + D->D)_bottom.

It is "untyped" in the sense that all expressions
denote objects of the same type -- domain D.
You can create lists of arbitrary elements,
and define functions which take and return arbitrary elements
(even copies of the function itself).
So it is not so rare actually to require only
the property of being an object!

I use just such a language as the basis for my work
in functional/logic integration.

	Frank Silbermann	fs@cs.tulane.edu
	Tulane University	New Orleans, Louisianna  USA

tmb@ai.mit.edu (Thomas M. Breuel) (11/16/90)

In article <4971@rex.cs.tulane.edu>, fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:
|> >>		Because compromise between flexibility and safety
|> >>		will always involve a trade-off, I believe that
|> >>		untyped functional languages (e.g. those in the
|> >>		LISP/Scheme style) will never become completely obsolete.
|> >	In the very rare case, this property is to be just an object ... 
|> 	       ^^^^^^^^^
|> If you remove the imperative features from the core of Common Lisp,
|> and remove the features which allow function definitions
|> to be disassembled as lists, what remains _can_ be viewed
|> as a functional language in which all expressions
|> denote elements of the recursive domain
|> 	D = (Atoms + Booleans + DxD + D->D)_bottom.

Of course, you can use ML in the same way:

datatype D = Atom of string | Bool of bool | Int of int |
	     Real of real | Cons of (D * D) | Vector of (D array)

But, at least in ML you have the option of using strong typing,
whereas in CommonLisp (or other dynamically typed languages),
there is no language support whatsoever for handling typing.

lgm@cbnewsc.att.com (lawrence.g.mayka) (11/16/90)

In article <11901@life.ai.mit.edu>, tmb@ai.mit.edu (Thomas M. Breuel) writes:
> whereas in CommonLisp (or other dynamically typed languages),
> there is no language support whatsoever for handling typing.

Even with respect to compile-time typing, your statement is incorrect.
Common Lisp permits (optional) type declarations, and implementations
are invited to warn about any violation of them.

	Lawrence G. Mayka
	AT&T Bell Laboratories

Standard disclaimer.

peterson-john@cs.yale.edu (John C. Peterson) (11/16/90)

Regarding typing in Common Lisp & ML, it is incorrect to say that
Common Lisp lacks types; type declarations in CL are actually far more
general than those in ML.  What Common Lisp lacks is any sort of well
defined type inference, a major deficiency.

    John Peterson

fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) (11/17/90)

In article <11901@life.ai.mit.edu> tmb@ai.mit.edu writes:
>In article <4971@rex.cs.tulane.edu>, fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:
>|> >>		Because compromise between flexibility and safety
>|> >>		will always involve a trade-off, I believe that
>|> >>		untyped functional languages (e.g. those in the
>|> >>		LISP/Scheme style) will never become completely obsolete.
>|> >	In the very rare case, this property is to be just an object ... 
>|> 	       ^^^^^^^^^
>|> If you remove the imperative features from the core of Common Lisp,
>|> and remove the features which allow function definitions
>|> to be disassembled as lists, what remains _can_ be viewed
>|> as a functional language in which all expressions
>|> denote elements of the recursive domain
>|> 	D = (Atoms + Booleans + DxD + D->D)_bottom.
>Of course, you can use ML in the same way:
>datatype D = Atom of string | Bool of bool | Int of int |
>	     Real of real | Cons of (D * D) | Vector of (D array)

I didn't know that -- thank you for correcting me.
At least now we've finally answered the original question
of <11901@life.ai.mit.edu> re how one can create
an ML list of "anything".  Just define datatype D as above,
and then declare "list D".

	Frank Silbermann	fs@cs.tulane.edu
	Tulane University	New Orleans, Louisianna  USA

tmb@ai.mit.edu (Thomas M. Breuel) (11/17/90)

In article <PETERSON-JOHN.90Nov15223106@object.cs.yale.edu>, peterson-john@cs.yale.edu (John C. Peterson) writes:
|> Regarding typing in Common Lisp & ML, it is incorrect to say that
|> Common Lisp lacks types; type declarations in CL are actually far more
|> general than those in ML.  What Common Lisp lacks is any sort of well
|> defined type inference, a major deficiency.

I didn't say that "CL lacks types", but that it does not have support
for "handling typing". The fact that you can declare very general types
that the compiler cannot possibly check at compile time is one
indication of the problem. Sorry if I was imprecise.

wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de (Wolfgang Grieskamp) (11/17/90)

fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:

  >	...
  >	D = (Atoms + Booleans + DxD + D->D)_bottom.

  >It is "untyped" in the sense that all expressions
  >denote objects of the same type -- domain D.
  >You can create lists of arbitrary elements,
  >and define functions which take and return arbitrary elements
  >(even copies of the function itself).
  >So it is not so rare actually to require only
  >the property of being an object!

If a functions semantic maps D->D, then the rare case 
is that it maps also D/bottom->D/bottom. In fact i have problems 
to imagine meaningful functions except identity which behave like this. 

If you view types as a model to ensure that expressions are
defined, then every expression has a type, since the 
programmer has some kind of theory wether his/her program 
is defined ( hope so :-) ). From the point of software 
engineering coming to terms with a formalized/communicatable 
type discipline seems to me very important.

I believe that variants of bounded universal and existential 
type quantification together with dynamic binding (modelling
whats called message passing in object-oriented languages) can make
untyped languages obsolet in future in sense of giving a unique 
framework ranging infinitely variable from "untyped" to "strong-typed"
programming style. 

Wolfgang Grieskamp 
wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de tub!tubopal!wg wg%opal@DB0TUI11.BITNET

wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de (Wolfgang Grieskamp) (11/17/90)

peterson-john@cs.yale.edu (John C. Peterson) writes:

  >Regarding typing in Common Lisp & ML, it is incorrect to say that
  >Common Lisp lacks types; type declarations in CL are actually far more
  >general than those in ML.  What Common Lisp lacks is any sort of well
  >defined type inference, a major deficiency.

As i remember from a short afair with LISP some years ago, type 
declarations in CL are always monomorphic: no parametric 
polymorphy, no type variables. 

Hence the "far more generalicity" you mentioned is to omit types? 

Wolfgang Grieskamp 
wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de tub!tubopal!wg wg%opal@DB0TUI11.BITNET

gudeman@cs.arizona.edu (David Gudeman) (11/18/90)

In article  <2235@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de> Wolfgang Grieskamp writes:
]If a functions semantic maps D->D, then the rare case 
]is that it maps also D/bottom->D/bottom. In fact i have problems 
]to imagine meaningful functions except identity which behave like this. 

I'm not sure I understand this.  It sounds like you are talking about
functions that are strict in bottom (that is, if they are given bottom
as an argument, they produce bottom as a result).  If so, then there
are hoards of natural functions that meet this criteria.  Most
arithmetic functions for example.  In fact, this case is so common
that some languages have only _one_ builtin function that is not
strict (if-then-else).  And many languages do not allow the programmer
to define new non-strict functions, since they evaluate the arguments
before they call the function.
					David Gudeman
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona        gudeman@cs.arizona.edu
Tucson, AZ 85721                 noao!arizona!gudeman

tmb@ai.mit.edu (Thomas M. Breuel) (11/19/90)

In article <2236@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de>, wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de (Wolfgang Grieskamp) writes:
|> peterson-john@cs.yale.edu (John C. Peterson) writes:
|>   >Regarding typing in Common Lisp & ML, it is incorrect to say that
|>   >Common Lisp lacks types; type declarations in CL are actually far more
|>   >general than those in ML.  What Common Lisp lacks is any sort of well
|>   >defined type inference, a major deficiency.
|> As i remember from a short afair with LISP some years ago, type 
|> declarations in CL are always monomorphic: no parametric 
|> polymorphy, no type variables. 
|> Hence the "far more generalicity" you mentioned is to omit types? 

(deftype halting-function ()
   '(and function (satisfies halting-p)))

wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de (Wolfgang Grieskamp) (11/19/90)

wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de (Wolfgang Grieskamp) writes:

>peterson-john@cs.yale.edu (John C. Peterson) writes:

>  >Regarding typing in Common Lisp & ML, it is incorrect to say that
>  >Common Lisp lacks types; type declarations in CL are actually far more
>  >general than those in ML.  What Common Lisp lacks is any sort of well
>  >defined type inference, a major deficiency.

>As i remember from a short afair with LISP some years ago, type 
>declarations in CL are always monomorphic: no parametric 
>polymorphy, no type variables. 

Oh sorry, someone inspired me meanwhile to remember how it works in CS: 
its actually much more general then even, say, dependent types. Its based 
roughly on the general program transformation scheme (excuse LISP style

	(def f '((T1 x1) ... (Tn xn)) E)
	(def f '(x1 ... xn) '(if (and (T1 x1) ... (Tn xn)) E '(halt)))

... where Ti's are user defined predicates (checking types) or primitives 
for the predefined types.

Now, the compiler can use abstract interpretation or other techniques to
analysis preconditions Ti and actual arguments to applications of f (if
he knows its an application) and generate type errors.  This is a bit hard 
sometimes, but will often work for predefined types like bool, int, etc. -
at least with the whole program under analysis.

Hope i understood the "typing" discipline in Common LISP correct know (the
LISP experts brought up typing and LISP should correct me otherwise).

Wolfgang Grieskamp 
wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de tub!tubopal!wg wg%opal@DB0TUI11.BITNET

davis@barbes.ilog.fr (Harley Davis) (11/19/90)

In article <2236@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de> wg@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de (Wolfgang Grieskamp) writes:

   peterson-john@cs.yale.edu (John C. Peterson) writes:

     >Regarding typing in Common Lisp & ML, it is incorrect to say that
     >Common Lisp lacks types; type declarations in CL are actually far more
     >general than those in ML.  What Common Lisp lacks is any sort of well
     >defined type inference, a major deficiency.

   As i remember from a short afair with LISP some years ago, type 
   declarations in CL are always monomorphic: no parametric 
   polymorphy, no type variables. 

   Hence the "far more generalicity" you mentioned is to omit types? 

If you include CLOS, this is not true, at least for generic functions.
It's still true for variables.

-- Harley

Harley Davis			internet: davis@ilog.fr
ILOG S.A.			uucp:  ..!mcvax!inria!ilog!davis
2 Avenue Gallie'ni, BP 85	tel:  (33 1) 46 63 66 66	
94253 Gentilly Cedex		

jeff@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Jeff Dalton) (11/22/90)

In article <11901@life.ai.mit.edu> tmb@ai.mit.edu writes:
>|> If you remove the imperative features from the core of Common Lisp,
>|> and remove the features which allow function definitions
>|> to be disassembled as lists, what remains _can_ be viewed
>|> as a functional language in which all expressions
>|> denote elements of the recursive domain
>|> 	D = (Atoms + Booleans + DxD + D->D)_bottom.

But you can define new types using DEFSTRUCT and DEFCLASS.
All of them are "atoms" in the sense of the predicate ATOM
(ie, not a cons), but then so are functions.  And any object
can be used as a boolean.

>Of course, you can use ML in the same way:
>datatype D = Atom of string | Bool of bool | Int of int |
>	     Real of real | Cons of (D * D) | Vector of (D array)

Not the same.  "Atom" in CL does not mean "string".  Even if we
take it to mean "symbol" and suppose that ML could have symbols
(why not?), it is possible in CL to add new types at run-time.

>But, at least in ML you have the option of using strong typing,
>whereas in CommonLisp (or other dynamically typed languages),
>there is no language support whatsoever for handling typing.

That is a very strong claim: no support whatsoever for typing.
Indeed, it is false.

-- Jeff

jeff@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Jeff Dalton) (11/22/90)

In article <4987@rex.cs.tulane.edu> fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:
>>datatype D = Atom of string | Bool of bool | Int of int |
>>	     Real of real | Cons of (D * D) | Vector of (D array)
>I didn't know that -- thank you for correcting me.
>At least now we've finally answered the original question
>of <11901@life.ai.mit.edu> re how one can create
>an ML list of "anything".  Just define datatype D as above,
>and then declare "list D".

D is not "anything"; it includes only 6 possibilities.
That isn't all the types initially in Common Lisp, let
alone those that can be added at run-time.

jeff@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Jeff Dalton) (11/22/90)

In article <11937@life.ai.mit.edu> tmb@ai.mit.edu writes:
>In article <PETERSON-JOHN.90Nov15223106@object.cs.yale.edu>, peterson-john@cs.yale.edu (John C. Peterson) writes:
>|> Regarding typing in Common Lisp & ML, it is incorrect to say that
>|> Common Lisp lacks types; type declarations in CL are actually far more
>|> general than those in ML.  What Common Lisp lacks is any sort of well
>|> defined type inference, a major deficiency.
>I didn't say that "CL lacks types", but that it does not have support
>for "handling typing". 

But it does have support for "handling typing".  It may not be enough
support (in your view), it may not be the support you want, but your
claim that there is no support whatsoever is just false.

>The fact that you can declare very general types
>that the compiler cannot possibly check at compile time is one
>indication of the problem. Sorry if I was imprecise.

If this is one indication of the problem, what is the problem?
I don't doubt that the CL treatment of types has all sorts of
problems, from various points of view.

ge@wn3.sci.kun.nl (Ge' Weijers) (12/05/90)

fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:

>C) I've never seen a programming language
>   based on typed lambda calculus whose typechecking system
>   permits the user to define a fixpoint combinator
>   out of more primitive elements.  The type signature
>   of the necessary lambda expression cannot be written
>   as a finite combination of the primitive types
>   (so Y-combinators must be added as primitives).

I assume that languages like Miranda (TM) and ML are based on typed lambda
calculus. In Miranda the Y combinator can be written as

y f = g
	 g = f g

fac = y fac1
	 fac1 f x = 1, x <= 1
		  = x * (fac1 (x-1)), otherwise

In Algol68 you can also write a Y combinator. The next example is not tested,
as elas no implementation is available to me anymore:


    PROC fac1 = (M f, INT x)INT:
    IF x <= 1
    THEN 1
    ELSE x * f(x-1)

    PROC y = (M f, INT x)INT:
      f (f,x);
    print((y(fac1,5), newline))

(I hope this is about right, I don't have the RR handy at the moment)

>Therefore, I conclude that typed languages (such as ML)
>must not permit the kind of type-unions necessary
>for definition of self-applicative functions.

I conclude the opposite. 

>	Frank Silbermann	fs@cs.tulane.edu
>	Tulane University	New Orleans, Louisianna  USA

Ge' Weijers
University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Ge' Weijers                                    Internet/UUCP: ge@cs.kun.nl
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,   (uunet.uu.net!cs.kun.nl!ge)
University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1         
6525 ED Nijmegen, the Netherlands              tel. +3180652483 (UTC-2)

markf@zurich.ai.mit.edu (Mark Friedman) (12/06/90)

In article <2531@wn1.sci.kun.nl> ge@wn3.sci.kun.nl (Ge' Weijers) writes:

   fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:

   >C) I've never seen a programming language
   >   based on typed lambda calculus whose typechecking system
   >   permits the user to define a fixpoint combinator
   >   out of more primitive elements.  The type signature
   >   of the necessary lambda expression cannot be written
   >   as a finite combination of the primitive types
   >   (so Y-combinators must be added as primitives).

   I assume that languages like Miranda (TM) and ML are based on typed lambda
   calculus. In Miranda the Y combinator can be written as

   y f = g
	    g = f g

This is cheating. The interesting property of the Y operator is that
it does not make use of any primitive recursive definition mechanism.
The above definition does this in the expression "g = f g".

   fac = y fac1
	    fac1 f x = 1, x <= 1
		     = x * (fac1 (x-1)), otherwise

I assume that you meant "= x * (f (x-1)), otherwise" for that last

   In Algol68 you can also write a Y combinator. The next example is not
   tested, as elas no implementation is available to me anymore:


       PROC fac1 = (M f, INT x)INT:
       IF x <= 1
       THEN 1
       ELSE x * f(x-1)

       PROC y = (M f, INT x)INT:
	 f (f,x);

       print((y(fac1,5), newline))

This is a red herring. The above y is not the Y operator of interest to
us; it does not create a procedure (i.e. a closure). The difficulties in
writing and type checking the Y operator occur with higher order
functions (i.e.  first class procedures.)  If Algol68 has them, try
writing the "real" Y operator.

Also, I assume you meant "ELSE x * f(f, x-1)".


Mark Friedman
MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
545 Technology Sq.
Cambridge, Ma. 02139


lloyd@bruce.cs.monash.OZ.AU (lloyd allison) (12/06/90)

In <2531@wn1.sci.kun.nl> ge@wn3.sci.kun.nl (Ge' Weijers) writes:

>fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:

>>C) I've never seen a programming language
>>   based on typed lambda calculus whose typechecking system
>>   permits the user to define a fixpoint combinator
>>   out of more primitive elements.  The type signature
>>   of the necessary lambda expression cannot be written
>>   as a finite combination of the primitive types
>>   (so Y-combinators must be added as primitives).

The self application  (g g)  in Y=\G.(\g.G(g g))(\g.G(g g))
requires a recursive type g:T where T=T->...
You can program Y in SML: "cut the knot" with a constructor.

You program the recursive version of Y in Pascal!
but not the "proper" one as `function' is outside the type system.

The following works in Algol 68:

( # Fixed-Pt Operator, Y, in Algol-68     L.Allison UWA 15/7/85 #




 PROC y = ( FFORM f, INT n ) INT:
  ( RECFF h = ( RECFF g, INT n ) INT:
     ( INTFN b = ( INT n ) INT:
	  g( g, n );

       f( b, n )

    h( h, n )

 FFORM big f = ( INTFN little f, INT n ) INT:
    IF n=0 THEN 1 ELSE n * little f(n-1) FI;

 INTFN usual factorial = (INT n) INT:
    IF n=0 THEN 1 ELSE n * usual factorial(n-1) FI;

 INTFN unusual factorial = (INT n) INT:
    big f( usual factorial, n);

 INTFN odd factorial = (INT n) INT:
    y( big f, n );


 FOR i TO 5 DO
    print(( usual factorial(i), unusual factorial(i),
	    odd factorial(i), newline ))

iam@Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU (Ian Mason) (12/07/90)

i though i posted a note yesterday but it failed to appear,
so i'll try try again.

>fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:

>C) I've never seen a programming language
>   based on typed lambda calculus whose typechecking system
>   permits the user to define a fixpoint combinator
>   out of more primitive elements.  The type signature
>   of the necessary lambda expression cannot be written
>   as a finite combination of the primitive types
>   (so Y-combinators must be added as primitives).

if one adds ml references to the simply typed (lazy) lambda calculus,
then for each non-empty  functional type (s->t) one can write 
a fixpoint combinator for that type. assume that g: s-> t, then
(using a mish mash of typed lambda calculus and ml notation) one
such example is

 lambda N : (s->t)->(s->t) . 
    let z = ref g in  ( z := (lambda x : s . ( N(! z)(x))) ; (! z)

note that g is only used as a dummy to allocate the necessary cell
for the  self reference.


sanjiva@oravax.UUCP (Sanjiva Prasad) (12/07/90)

In article <1990Dec6.214847.19785@Neon.Stanford.EDU> iam@Gang-of-Four.Stanford.EDU (Ian Mason) writes:
>>fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:
>>C) I've never seen a programming language
>>   based on typed lambda calculus whose typechecking system
>>   permits the user to define a fixpoint combinator
>>   out of more primitive elements.  The type signature
>>   of the necessary lambda expression cannot be written
>>   as a finite combination of the primitive types
>>   (so Y-combinators must be added as primitives).

The typed lambda calculus (without fixpoint primitives) is said to be
strongly normalizing. So it should not be possible to write a Y combinator
as a finite combination of primitives. To that extent you are right. The
examples that someone gave about defining fixpoint combinators in ML, 
Miranda or Algol are all cheats, since they assume a recursive definition 
mechanism, or recursive (least fixed point) types. 

However, as Ian Mason points out using an example (more on that later), 
one can augment the typed lambda calculus with additional constructs that 
are NON-FUNCTIONAL and be able to write a fixpoint combinator for each
nonempty ground (open question: weakly polymorphic?) arrow type "t1 -> t2". 

>if one adds ml references to the simply typed (lazy) lambda calculus,
>then for each non-empty  functional type (s->t) one can write 
>a fixpoint combinator for that type. assume that g: s-> t, then
>(using a mish mash of typed lambda calculus and ml notation) one
>such example is
> lambda N : (s->t)->(s->t) . 
>    let z = ref g in  ( z := (lambda x : s . ( N(! z)(x))) ; (! z)
>note that g is only used as a dummy to allocate the necessary cell
>for the  self reference.
>		-iam-		

However, Ian Mason's use of ref is also a sleight of hand, because the
behaviour of memory cells is an inherently recursive behaviour (Write down
the bahaviour of a memory cell process in a CCS-like notation -- cf Milner's 
CCS). Bent Thomsen in his 89 POPL paper on higher-order CCS gives an (untyped)
Y context that shows that recursion can be simulated in higher-order 
communicating processes. 

In our language Facile (see International Journal of Parallel Programming, 
Vol 18, No 2, April 1989, Plenum, pp 121-160), which is based on an
extension of the typed lambda calulus with higher-order CCS-like constructs,
we can indeed (for every ground arrow type t1 -> t2) define a recursion
combinator. What we (Prateek Mishra, Alessandro Giacalone and I) have done 
is to modify Thomsen's treatment of a Y context that uses process creation 
and process passing to Facile, a call-by-value typed lambda calculus 
extension. (* We're still proving it is a recursion combinator with respect 
to the notion of program equivalence given in our ICALP'90 paper). 

Perhaps, in Flemming Nielson's TPL (see proceedings of PARLE '89) one
can  define a fixpoint  combinator. This language too is based on the typed 
lambda calculus. [Since no notion of program equivalence is given there, we
can't quite say that it indeed corresponds to the usual recursion combinator].

- Sanjiva

chl@cs.man.ac.uk (Charles Lindsey) (12/07/90)

In <2531@wn1.sci.kun.nl> ge@wn3.sci.kun.nl (Ge' Weijers) writes:

>I assume that languages like Miranda (TM) and ML are based on typed lambda
>calculus. In Miranda the Y combinator can be written as

>y f = g
>      where
>	 g = f g

>fac = y fac1
>      where
>	 fac1 f x = 1, x <= 1
>		  = x * (fac1 (x-1)), otherwise

>In Algol68 you can also write a Y combinator. The next example is not tested,
>as elas no implementation is available to me anymore:


>    PROC fac1 = (M f, INT x)INT:
>    IF x <= 1
>    THEN 1
>    ELSE x * f(x-1)
>    FI;

>    PROC y = (M f, INT x)INT:
>      f (f,x);
>    print((y(fac1,5), newline))

Both these contain bugs. I think what he meant to write was

 y f = g
 	 g = f g

 fac = y fac1
 	 fac1 f x = 1, x <= 1
 		  = x * (f (x-1)), otherwise   <--------------

 In Algol68 you can also write a Y combinator. The next example is not tested,
 as elas no implementation is available to me anymore:


     PROC fac1 = (M f, INT x)INT:
     IF x <= 1
     THEN 1
     ELSE x * f(f, x-1)        <----------------

     PROC y = (M f, INT x)INT:
       f (f,x);
     print((y(fac1,5), newline))

In that form, the Algol68 program indeed works, and prints 120. However, I do
not see that it is really equivalent to the Miranda version. Here is a better
version, that also runs and prints 120.


    M fac1 = (PROC(INT)INT f, INT x)INT:
        IF x <= 1     
        THEN 1   
        ELSE x * f(x-1) 

    PROC y = (M f, INT x)INT:
        ( PROC g = (INT x)INT: f(g, x);

    print((y(fac1,5), newline))

hallgren@kermit.Berkeley.EDU (Thomas Hallgren) (12/08/90)

>fs@caesar.cs.tulane.edu (Frank Silbermann) writes:
>C) I've never seen a programming language
>   based on typed lambda calculus whose typechecking system
>   permits the user to define a fixpoint combinator
>   out of more primitive elements.  The type signature
>   of the necessary lambda expression cannot be written
>   as a finite combination of the primitive types
>   (so Y-combinators must be added as primitives).

Actually, you _can_ define a fixpoint combinator in Standard ML, in a purely
functional way, without using recursion.

(* Defining a fix point combinator in ML, without using recursion *)

datatype 'a T = K of 'a T -> 'a

fun Y h  = let fun g (K x) z= h (x (K x)) z	(* no recursion! *)
           in g (K g)

(* An example: the factorial function *)

fun F f 0 = 1
  | F f n = n * f(n-1);

val fac = Y F;

The trick is the definition of the recursive type constructor T.
In the language Fun, you can do it in a similar way:

(* The fixed point combinator Y can be defined without using recursion! *)

rec type R[a]=R[a]->a; (* R is a recursively defined type operator *)

value Y[a](h:a->a):a=(fun(x:R[a]) h (x x)) (fun(x:R[a]) h (x x));

value fac=
  let value F(f:Int->Int)(n:Int)= if n<=1 then 1 else n*f(n-1)
  in Y[Int->Int] F

The language Fun is described in "On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction,
and Polymorphism", by L Cardelli & P Wegner, in ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 17,
No 4, (Dec 1985).

Thomas Hallgren