[comp.lang.functional] CGP: functional, logic progr; parallelism, abstr. data types

scd@doc.ic.ac.uk (Sophia Drossopoulou) (03/06/91)

Call for Papers

HOHRITT, SASBACHWALDEN (Black Forest, Germany)
November 18 -- 22 1991

The Phoenix Esprit Basic Research Action, in collaboration with the
Integration Basic Research Action, announces to hold a Seminar and Workshop
on Declarative Programming.  These Basic Research Actions have been
investigating the foundations of Declarative Programming, exploring
the integration of the various language paradigms and developing many
aspects of this technology.

The aim of this Seminar and Workshop will be to present state of the art
results arising from the Research Actions together with contributions
from other research workers in this field.  The technical areas to be
covered include:

- Foundations and Languages  
- Integrated Approaches  
- Modules and Types  
- Program Transformation and Analysis  
- Implementation, Abstract Machines  
- Parallelism, Concurrency  
- Programming Methodology

The programme will consist of invited talks from leading members
of the Research Actions together with submitted and referred papers.
Preprints of the proceedings will be distributed and discussions are underway with the CEC to produce a volume in the ESPRIT Basic Research Series published by Springer-Verlag.  Three copies of a full paper, not exceeding 15 pages,
covering any of the above topics are therefore invited and should be sent,
by 1st May, to the Programme Chairman, Professor John Darlington, at the following address:

Professor John Darlington 
Department of Computing 
Imperial College of Science, Technology   Medicine 
180 Queen's Gate 
London, SW7 2BZ 
United Kingdom

The full timetable is as follows:

Submission 			  1st May 1991  
Notification of Acceptance	  1st July 1991  
Camera-ready Copy Required	  1st August 1991

Programme Committee:

John Darlington	          	(Imperial College, Co-Chair)  
Roland Dietrich		        (GMD, Karlsruhe, Co-Chair, Local Organiser)  
Sophia Drossopoulou	      	(Imperial College)  
Stefan Jaehnichen	        (GMD, Karlsruhe)  
Kees Koster			(University of Nijmegen)  
Erik Meijer		        (University of Nijmegen)
Antonio Porto             	(University of Lisbon)

The invited talks will include the following:

A Foundational Framework for the Integration of Declarative Languages
						-- John Darlington

An Abstract Model of Constraints 		-- Luis Monteiro

Concurrent Declarative Programming 		-- Maria Fereira

Abstract Data Type Parameterisation 		-- Sophia Drossopoulou

A Foundational Framework for Program Transformation -- Yi-Ke Guo

Logical Aspects of Modularities 		-- Antonio Porto

Abstract Machines for Integrated Languages 	-- Hendrik Lock

Application Studies using Declarative Languages -- Roland Dietrich

Limitations of Declarative Languages 		-- Nick Graham

If you wish to receive further information detach the portion below and mail it
to the given address (For e-mail use    dietrich@karlsruhe.gmd.dbp.de )

Frau Christine Harms          O   I plan to attend the seminar   workshop 
GMD                           O   I plan to submit a paper  
Postfach 1240                                                     
D-5205 Sankt Augustin                    Name:                    
Tel: ++49/2241/14-2473                   Address:                 
Fax: ++49/2241/14-2618