larry@nstar.uucp (Larry Snyder) (08/02/90)
Miniscribe 9380S SCSI 18ms 340 megabyte hard disk with Adaptec 1542A SCSI host adapter - whichs runs with Unix, Xenix or DOS. This drive system is 6 months old - and I am replacing it with a larger single drive sub-system. Price $1025 -- call 219-232-4200 evenings before 10 PM EST or send mail to ...!iuvax!ndmath!nstar!larry -- Larry Snyder, Northern Star Communications, Notre Dame, IN USA uucp: iuvax!ndmath!nstar!larry -or- larry@nstar Public Access Unix Site (219) 289-0282 (5 lines/PEP/HST/Hayes-V)