[soc.history] 50 Years Ago: Monday, 6 May, 1940

military@att.att.com (Bill Thacker) (06/02/90)

Monday, 6 May, 1940

Norwegian forces continue to offer stubborn resistance in the Stoeren-
Roeros area.  Norway's 33 million pound Sterling gold reserve has been
evacuated to Britain.

Pope Pius appears to be making a major effort to keep Italy out of war,
today meeting with Crown Prince Humbert, who also commands one of Italy's
two army groups.  The Prince reportedly next met with Premier Mussolini.
The Pontiff is also rumored to have approached President Roosevelt.

Yugoslavia calls up 70,000 troops, Rumania censors foreign press agents,
and Bulgaria stages a military parade in Sofia.

John Steinbeck's novel, _The Grapes of Wrath_, is awarded the Pulitzer
prize for 1939.

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Bill Thacker			            military@cbnews.att.com
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